12 Goals, 1 Year: Let The Challenge Begin

My journey to a year of good health.

Katy Velvet
The Narrative
Published in
2 min readJan 2, 2021


I’ll admit, making New Year's resolutions is not really my thing anymore. That’s because committing to one single goal for 365 days sounds intimidating and also, boring. Which is why I’ve decided to commit to 12 goals for 12 months instead.

After reflecting on the year, I’ve realized one thing: I focus way too much on my professional development. Every year my goals seem to revolve around work.

And that’s fair since my career is an important aspect of my life.

From my full-time job to my side hustles, I’m always working. As a workaholic, I’ve completely neglected my health. I’ve become restless, tired and irritable at times. On top of that, I’ve forgotten how to enjoy life without the hustle.

Today I came up with the concept of setting a new goal every month. A small goal that will act as a keystone habit that will eventually spill into other areas of my life, such as my overall physical and mental health.

Why small goals?

Whenever we set goals, we always tend to focus on the outcome. And that’s because it probably sounds a lot more exciting.

“I want to make $250K” sounds more exciting than “I’m going to stop buying coffee



Katy Velvet
The Narrative

Freelance writer with a lifetime of stories about mental health, gender inequality and an incurable obsession with cats.