Creating Strong Systems that Work for a Diverse Team

The Kristen David
The Narrative
Published in
4 min readJul 1, 2022

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been writing about the benefits of surrounding yourself with a diverse team. The strengths, skillsets, and perspectives that you’ll gain are invaluable. The question remains, though: how do you create strong systems that actually work for a team filled with people who work, think, and innovate differently?

This is something that I’ve been working on for the past couple of years with my own team as we grow, and I’d like to share what I’ve learned. I’m going to use my Marketing Team as an example, since it is one of the most diverse teams that any business can have.

Every area of your business will have its own blend of diversity, but marketing is kind of its own special creature. It’s filled with people who are creative, strategic, and collaborative, yet are also specialized and often a bit introverted. Creating systems that work for such a diverse team definitely has its challenges!

(By the way…if you’re interested in fast tracking your Marketing Systems build, check out our newest release, the Marketing Systems Package — it includes the framework, details, and resources to equip your Marketing Team for success and profitability!)

Different Personalities Require Different Resources

Over the past couple of years, I’ve found that the personalities that make up my Marketing Team vary widely. Some are incredibly creative and are happy to immerse themselves in graphics or copy, while others are innately strategic and love to put all the pieces together. Others are “doers” who are satisfied by checking all the details off the list, while still others are unique combinations of all of these traits.

Marketing Team members tend to specialize in one or more areas, and they each need systems that will allow them to stay within their zone of genius. When a system fails, projects tend to take much longer than they should — and the stress this causes can stifle their creativity and cause even more time delays.

Obviously, this is not what you want to happen to the team in charge of your marketing!

Creating Systems that Work

This is why my team and I have been incredibly intentional about creating systems that really do work for a diverse, fast-paced team. Let’s face it, even if your Marketing Team is made up of one or two people (or even if it’s just you at the moment), marketing is a fast-paced, ever-changing thing.

When you’re dealing with deadlines, ever changing algorithms, and shifts in the market, you need to be able to pivot quickly without losing steam. This is what strong marketing systems allow you to do.

In the process of creating our own systems, we’ve had some great wins as well as some fails — that’s just part of the process. We’ve found ways to streamline that have saved us 10–15 hours every month…and we’ve found things that definitely didn’t work. This is all part of the process.

It’s also what we want to help you fast track! Yes, you could spend a couple of years (and a lot of trial and error) building these systems, but you can also shorten the process considerably by taking advantage of our experience and frameworks!

The Benefits of Strong Systems

Marketing is still a complex, busy area of any business, even with strong systems — but it’s a lot easier to get results and avoid burning out your team when you’re able to implement the systems they need.

This means that you can increase your marketing ROI while equipping your team to get more done in less time. Sounds good to me!

However, it also means that each member of your Marketing Team will be able to operate within their personality and zone of genius, allowing them greater job satisfaction and assuring greater retention. It’s challenging to find the right people for your team; when you do, you want to make sure that they have every reason to stay.

It might sound odd to say that strong systems will equip creatives to enjoy their jobs more, but it’s true. The right systems will take away the guess work and let them focus on what they love to do — and equip them to make the difference they really want to make in your business!

If my team and I can help you and your team implement strong systems throughout your company, let us know! Our goal is to help you build a business that not only allows you and your team to thrive, but that is aligned with your purpose and difference you want to make.

Kristen David, a former trial lawyer and partner who went from working 85 hours a week and taking home way too little money in her law firm, built it up to a million-dollar-plus business, then sold her shares and pivoted into a business coach guru. She is now an international speaker, bestselling author, and operates a successful business, empowering business owners to build thriving, profitable businesses that are self-managed with systems. She helps busy business owners build those systems by implementing policies and procedures the Fast Track Way.

Originally published at



The Kristen David
The Narrative

Mentor, Guru, Ass-Kicker, International Speaker, Writer, Marketing & Management Advisor for Business Owners.