Everything Happening Right Now? Predicted 51 Years Ago on “Star Trek”

Pandemic? Political division? Predicted in “Cloud Minders” episode

Joseph Serwach
The Narrative


Above: Captain James T. Kirk, Spock and McCoy. Photo via Wikimedia Commons.

A February 1969 episode of “Star Trek” sounds a little like today: two classes of people largely unaware of the other — until an airborne virus threatened their entire world.

“Toil” on the ground separated from “stay at home” leisure “in the Cloud?” A deadly planet-wide plague and an establishment vs. outsiders revolution were at the heart of that 1969 episode. Now it’s “essential’’ vs. “non-essential with tensions obvious at pandemic hot spots.

Michigan ranks third in America for the most COVID-19 deaths. Just after the demands on Michigan's healthcare system peaked, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer tightened restrictions further adding new limits, dubbing classes of workers, items and services either essential or non-essential.

Essential or Non-Essential?

Her order created two classes of residents: “essential’’ to the infrastructure and “non-essential.’’ The essential people (like tire stores to fix your car) are encouraged to work as always. Non-Essential people (like the Apple store to fix your computers and phones) and other activities are shuttered. If you can work from home? Good, stay home. If you…



Joseph Serwach
The Narrative

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish. https://serwachjoe.medium.com/membership