Gratitude in a Sentence

My take and experience of an attitude of gratitude

Rasheed Hooda
The Narrative


If I have to sum up gratitude in a sentence, I’ll have to use one of my favorite quotes on gratitude. It comes from Wallace D Wattle’s classic manifesto Science of Getting Rich.

In the chapter on gratitude, he says:

“Because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”

As we celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States, I decided to share this story from my book, Life: It’s a Trip (Available on Amazon), about how I woke up one winter night in my Mobile Domicile and felt gratitude for Life.

The Warmth of Winter

This has been a colder than usual winter. I woke up around 2:00 A.M. and looked at the weather app on my smartphone. It informed me that it was 29° F outside, and I am in San Antonio, TX.

But I was warm and comfy inside my sleeping bag while sleeping in my Kia Sedona van, AKA, my Mobile Domicile, parked at the local Wal-Mart.

Suddenly, I was overtaken by a sense of gratitude. I was grateful for everything I had. Then I felt a sense of gratitude for the people who made the sleeping bag that I was enjoying sleeping in. I felt gratitude for the people who built the factory…



Rasheed Hooda
The Narrative

Self-proclaimed weirdo. Jack of Many Trades, Master of Some. Author, Speaker, Photographer. He walked on Route 66 Chicago to L.A.