Imposter Syndrome In The Time Of Coronavirus

Are you failing at handling the pandemic? Don’t let perfectionism ruin a good isolation.

Helen Cassidy Page
The Narrative


How did I not know that Natalie Frank, Ph.D. was hospitalized with COVID-19?

Can’t I even do this pandemic right?

There I was, stewing in my own overwhelm, alone in my smallish, one-bedroom apartment without a deck or back yard to get some fresh air as the experts recommend, trying to put on a good face. I had stopped reading some FaceBook posts and missed my friend’s crisis.

You know me, I’m the badass octogenarian who can handle anything, with a laugh and an F bomb no less, staring out the window like I’d just been double-dosed with Thorazine.

I was trying to come to terms with the fact that a tiny microbe was holding the entire planet hostage like some third-rate science fiction movie I’d seen in 1950 where the whole 7 billion lot of us could die and let the planet the breathe again. If that happened, who would feed the dogs and cats we humans, in our hubris, had domesticated? Had we thought of that?

Photo by Anoir Chafik on Unsplash



Helen Cassidy Page
The Narrative

Writer, editor, researcher, aging expert, life coach, sand tray coach. Read one of my 55 titles on Amazon: