Köstner’sche Intelligenz

Detective stories written by AI (GPT-3)

The Narrative
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2020


My name is Köstner. Privat Detective Köstner.

Subject: Private detective Köstner discovers that the gardener is the murderer.

Text: Private Detective Köstner was in a hurry. Everything had to be done.

The gardener is the murderer.

The murderer is the gardener, thought private detective Köstner.
But he remembered that it was not the murderer.
But the murderer is the gardener, thought private detective Köstner.
But the gardener is not the murderer, thought private detective Köstner, and the garden is not the murderer, thought private detective Köstner.

He had to check out the situation.

And he did.
He investigated.

Suddenly he remembered his other case.
He went back to the detective kitchen and ate a newspaper.
Then a second one.

Later he went into the bedroom and slept.
Just before midnight he woke up and shot himself.

It hissed, the floor caught fire.
The master of the house woke up and took care of everything.



The Narrative

Futurist. AI-driven Dadaist. Living in Germany, loving Japan, AI, mysteries, books, and stuff. Writing since 2017 about creative use of AI.