New Elvis Film Reveals Why He’s Still Idolized as the King of Rock ’n’ Roll

The new Elvis film, like the king it celebrates, is beautiful, moving, inspiring, entertaining — and ultimately a tragedy

Joseph Serwach
The Narrative


Above: A June 1958 publicity image of Elvis Presley via Wikimedia Commons.

The new Elvis film reminds us why we call him “the king,” as he sings with all his heart, body, and soul — an unquenchable passion that took his life at 42.

“You touch my hand, and I’m a king,” he sang. And it happened.

Like a true king, he knew from birth he had a one-of-a-kind grace: “You have the strength of two men inside you,” he always heard. His mother considered him a “miracle child” because his twin brother was born first and died, but Elvis got “the double portion,” surviving and thriving.

The new 2022 film, opening today with the beloved Tom Hanks playing the unscrupulous promoter Colonel Tom Parker, makes Austin Butler, 30, a major star in a cast that convincingly captures the essence of the real stars we know well.

It’s quickly apparent why Presley’s widow and daughter thought the film captured the real people perfectly. We similarly see why its debut merited a 12-minute standing ovation.

Captain Marvel Jr. inspired Elvis (note their similar outfits)



Joseph Serwach
The Narrative

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish.