One Of The Most Famous Orgies In History Was Held By Former Cardinal Cesare Borgia at the Papal Palace in 1501

Referred to as the the “Banquet of Chestnuts” or later as the “Night of a Thousand Chestnuts”

Jessica Bugg
The Narrative


Photo Courtesy of History of Today, pictured Cardinal Borgia

A symbol of virtue and holiness the Papal Palace Has a Much More Salacious Past

Around the world and throughout history, people have looked to Rome and the Catholic Church as a symbol of virtue, morality, and a compass to guide the average person away from temptation and towards more ethereal pursuits.

One main exception to an institution that exposes chastity, self denial, and almost essentially repression of all innately humans desires, was the time the former Cardinal Cesare Borgia decided to host a dinner at the Papal Palace.

Who Was Cesare Borgia?

Cesare Borgia’s inspired Machiavelli’a political commentary The Prince or El Principe. Born out of wedlock and therefore deemed illegitimate, Cesare was the child of Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia who would later be known as Pope Alexander VI and Vanozza dei Cattanei (his mistress) on September 13, 1475.

