Self-Care While Social Distancing

What can we do to maintain our mental health while “flattening the curve”?

Melissa Miles McCarter
The Narrative
Published in
4 min readMar 21, 2020


Noah Silliman on Unsplash

As of now, millions of people are under stay at home orders in order to battle the spread of Covid-19. Many are self-quarantining so as to mitigate the effects of this virus. Even more are acting responsibly by social distancing. In all of these cases, these experiences can be psychologically taxing.

Most people’s lives are being disrupted, many severely.

The people on the front lines, like health-care workers, are out there fighting for all of our lives. And the rest of us are asked to fight as well by staying at home.

And in this fast-paced world, in which people are used to freedom of movement and assembly, forced isolation and distance can wreak havoc on our mental health.

By most accounts, we have a long while before current circumstances get better. More and more of us will be faced with having to stay at home, probably more under stay at home orders. On top of this, the anxiety, and panic, that many of us feel in the face of this virus, and the economic consequences it leaves in its wake, only compounds our stress. Self-care is essential for maintaining our mental health while “flattening the curve.”

