September 11, 2001 — A Day Like Any Other

On a crisp Tuesday morning, we learned what it felt like to be attacked on American soil

Lizzie Finn
The Narrative


Photo by Lizzie Finn/August 2001

I originally posted this piece on my blog in September 2003. I repost it every year on September 11th.

It starts out just like any other day.

An early alarm clock jolts us awake. My husband disappears, leaving a cold bed behind for a warm shower. He’s dressed and long gone before the kids start to stir. I can’t remember if I said goodbye. I think I probably just rolled over and went back to sleep before the front door even closed.

Soon enough, it’s my turn to leave the colder bed. My reward is a hot steaming shower. Then I nudge the kids awake and before you know it — we’re already late.

Someone whines, while the television yells its obscenities in the background, Breakfast is served, and lunches are prepared. Hair is combed, while an all-out search is started for a pair of matching SHOES! Finally, jackets are on, and the TV is turned off. I take one last look in the mirror before we pour out the front door.

“Get in the car. Get in the car. Get in the car!” I hear myself screaming. There is always a debate or delaying tactic, something to put mom in a bad mood. At long last, I get both wiggling worms…



Lizzie Finn
The Narrative

I write, create, instruct. My curiosity is expansive — health, happiness, relationships, spirituality, TV/film, psychedelics, feminism, neuroscience, life.