Which Is Better, Youth Or Old Age

I know the answer, but you’re asking the wrong question.

Helen Cassidy Page
The Narrative


Photo by Gary Bendig on Unsplash

A man grew tired of taking care of his old father. He had a farm to run and a family to support. So he decided it was time for the old man to go. He started building a coffin in his shed. The father asked him what he was doing, and the son gave him the news. The father, having been a carpenter in his youth, had taught the son everything he knew.

“Come on, you know better. Miter those corners. Dovetail the joins.”

The son did as he was told, and when he was finished told his father to get in. He loaded the coffin on his cart and headed to the cliff, where he’d throw his father into a steep ravine.

On the way, he heard knocking coming from inside the coffin. He lifted the lid and said, “What is it now?”

The father leaned on one elbow and said, “It’s a shame to waste this fine coffin. Just throw me over the side and save the coffin for your son. One day he’ll need it when he wants to get rid of you.”

Would anybody blame me for casting Ezekial Emanuel in the role of the son in this classic parable? I mean, seriously. Read his piece on why we should all cash it in at age 75.



Helen Cassidy Page
The Narrative

Writer, editor, researcher, aging expert, life coach, sand tray coach. Read one of my 55 titles on Amazon: https://www.HelenCassidyPageBooks.com