Who Dies in The Game of Thrones?

Top 10 Death Predictions

David Caracciolo
The Narrative
7 min readApr 11, 2019


In a show where “all men must die,” whose neck’s on the line in this final season?

Just like Arya, I’ve got my own kill list.

1. Cersei Lannister

Like her father, the Mad King, Cersei will go out like a Mad Queen…

Maggy the Frog foretold that Cersei will only have 3 children who will all die before their mother. This has already happened on the show. Yet Cersei, at the beginning of this season, is still pregnant…

If she lives, naturally, she’d live long enough to bear another child. This won’t happen. Cersei will die by the end of this season and fulfill another prophecy that’s found in the books.

She’ll die being choked by “the valonqar” or little brother/sister. How fitting would it be that the brother she’s feared all along isn’t the one who kills her, but the brother she’s been sleeping with all along?

This was foreshadowed in other ways too, by Jaime saying to Cersei, “We came into this world together, we’ll leave it together.”

Speaking of…

2. Jaime Lannister

I predict that Jaime will kill his twin sister after she does something so horrendous, he’ll have no choice but to put an end to her tyranny…

Another example of GOT history repeating itself. Author, George R. R. Martin has a fondness for such things…

“History is a wheel, for the nature of man is fundamentally unchanging. What has happened before will perforce happen again.” ― George R.R. Martin, A Feast for Crows

Jaime slew the Mad King after he went too far and Cersei will suffer the same fate. They’re already on opposite sides of the war.

Yet, killing Cersei will come at a price. The Mountain, Cersei’s henchman, could come between Jaime and Cersei. He may give the Kingslayer a mortal wound.

This will lead to Jaime eventually dying “in the arms of the woman I love,” as he always intended. That love will be Brienne of Tarth…

3. The Mountain

In order for Jaime to take out Cersei, he’ll need to pass the Mountain. Enter Cleganebowl!!!

This faceoff has been building up since the very first season and the showrunners will be crazy not to deliver this fanservice event.

Killing the Mountain is a mountain like task and who better than his brother, the Hound, to do the honours? Why bring the character back, after being assumed dead for so long, if you’re not gonna give the fans what they want.

The Mountain will go down, but just as I predicted with Jaime, he’ll take another scalp with him. That’s right, no happy endings in Game of Thrones, big surprise.

4. The Hound

Other than Jaime, who else is due for a redemption arc?

The Hound, that’s who. As mentioned earlier, why bring him back if you’re not gonna redeem the character and what better way than to take out his arch-nemesis, his brother.

However, I believe Sandor will also get a heroic death. They could have him sacrifice himself to protect Arya from the Mountain, but I hope they don’t go that route. Arya can take care of herself.

Also, she’ll be busy scratching another name off her list…

5. Melisandre

Apart from Bran, no other living character seems to know more about what is about to go down than Melisandre…

She even predicted her own death, telling Varys, “I have to die in this strange country, just like you.”

Although I’m not too sure about Lord Varys, I’m very much certain Melisandre won’t make it till the end of this season.

Arya still needs to take Melisandre’s name off her list. She never forgave her for what she did to Gendry. Also, I’ve never seen the witch so spooked than when she met Arya…

Perhaps she stared into the eyes of her future killer?

6. Beric Dondarrion

Another name on Arya’s list is Beria Dondarrion who has bitten the dust several times before…

But things are different now. With the Red Priest, Thoros of Myr, dispatched in the last season…

As Thanos would say…

“No resurrections this time.” – Thanos

I predict a warrior death for the warrior hero who wields a flaming sword. A welcome death for any warrior.

Warriors like…

7. Jorah Mormont

Every warrior wishes to die with a sword in their hand. Jorah is no exception…

He’s also due for a redemption arc, after escaping Ned’s justice for his crimes. He also needs to make up for betraying Dany.

Sacrificing his life to protect Dany in the final hour should make amends for his treason.

Someone who also needs to make amends…

8. Theon Greyjoy

No character has paid more for his crimes than Theon Greyjoy…

The character who became known as “Reek” will reek havoc on his uncle before he leaves this world, redeeming himself in the eyes of the Starks and earning the respect of the Ironborn.

Despite what he’s done, I’d hate to see Theon go. However, I don’t know what’s left for his character to do after the war is done. I don’t see a happy ending for young Greyjoy.

So traumatised by what’s happened to him, I think death will almost come as a relief. His sister Yara could live on to lead the Ironborn and tell of her brother’s legend. What an amazing turnaround!

9. Euron Greyjoy

He hasn’t been around long enough for me to care what happens to him, Euron was a late addition to the cast…

That’s why I don’t see him sticking around till the end of the season. The fact that he’s a villain tells me he’s definitely on the chopping block. Hopefully, at the hands of Theon and Yara.

Expect a lot of villains to meet the God of Death by the end of this season.

Now, for the biggest villain of them all…

10. The Night King

Arguably, the big bad of the Game of Thrones series. The Night King will say goodnight before the final episode is aired…

Maybe sooner than expected, as the heroes return to King’s Landing and find themselves at the mercy of Cersei. But that’s getting ahead of myself.

Jon Snow should be the one who does the honours…

Although it’s possible he’ll get a huge assist from Bran by way of warging a dragon. That would be amazing!

This will give the Night King and Snow the chance to battle each other on even ground.

Just like Cleganebowl, this fight’s been brewing for a while. Remember their last encounter?

There’s some unfinished business here that needs to be addressed and we’ll see it all go down very, very soon.

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David Caracciolo
The Narrative

I like big PUNS and I can not lie. You other writers can't deny