Props all around

Tom Eckblad
Published in
1 min readAug 19, 2008

Sometimes you can go for weeks without much good news, then it seems to hit all at once. The Starkey Hearing Foundation is going to give Ian his two hearing aids for free. And I have to thank my mom for this. When she found out that the hearing aids, which aren’t covered by insurance, would cost us between $7000 — $9000, she sent out a plethora of emails to many of her friends at church, including some who have children with disabilities. A friend of a friend of a friend knows the son of the owner of Starkey and they immediately agreed to help Ian out. So thanks, mom, for jumping on this.

Second bit of good news; some family friends who know how hard it is for Annie to juggle all the doctor visits and getting me to work are giving us their second car, a 1993 Camry. We are definitely stoked about that.

You know, most of my prayers of late would fall in the “bitchin’ and moanin’” category; I definitely have to give props to God for continuing to care for Ian in spite of having such a whiner of a dad.

