“Teach, your parents well…”

Tom Eckblad
Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2008

I finally got around to uploading the pictures of Silvi playing a lamb/dog/calf for the Christmas pageant. It was actually a very moving experience for me, seeing her take part of this annual tradition of remembrance and worship.

Silvi didn’t know the words to most of the songs; maybe Away In a Manger. But she tried to sing along anyway. For all the theology books I’ve read, the few years spent at Bible college, the hours of listening to sermons and reading through the Scriptures on my own, nothing can make the reality of those sacred words more evident than when they spring from my daughter’s mouth. Some nights as Silvi is lying in her crib, I hear her singing “Jesus loves me, this I know,” softly and innocently in the darkness of her room. Then I understand. I understand everything that is important to understand, that Love is real and permanent and tangible and graspable.

And I want to experience that Love all over again. My little girl teaches me to love, and about Love, and keeps drawing me closer to the source of all Love, that little child “away in a manger.”

Not quite sure what we’re doing here, but I dig the tunes.

Next year, I’m auditioning for the part of the baby Jesus. My feet are killing me!

Stop doing what?

