AMA #1 Transcript : Matic.News X Narwhalswap Team (09/18/21)

Published in
26 min readSep 29, 2021

This third AMA was hold by Matic.News, the biggest Polygon Community on 09/18/21.

Our crew composed of A . Styles (@Amsterdamage), and Tramirostronix (@Tramirostronix) were answering all the questions of GP {BETODRIVE}.

Part 1 : Question from Matic.News

GP (Host) : Hi guys, I’m very happy to do this ama, because Grand Banks was the last project that i joined and stayed for long time (I’m using still now in bsc).

Starting the AMA, Let’s kick start with an introduction of you and your team, which are your past experiences and roles?

A. Styles : We're the Narwhalswap team. I'm A.Styles your resident community manager, and with us today are my Fellow Trusted Bankers @Tramirostronix and @Bob_Multichained . We're backed by an amazing devteam who really earned their stripes in Defi.

I have experience working in and for Big Tech companies, traditional banks etc...and found out how boring that was compared to crypto. So when I got this chance to join up, I immediately took it!

One of the reasons you stayed so long is because our team is one of the OG's of the BSC. Our first platform is almost, to the day, one year old, so you made the right choice to stick with us.

GP (Host) :Well for sure crypto it’s not boring. It’s like living a movie. Where each day it’s one week in real life. I hope to don’t get old so fast ahahah! Nice to see @Bob_Multichained, important member of JetFuel too, @jetfuelmiro it’s one of the most important members of our community .

A. Styles : Let me tell you this, as an investor in projects my eyes light up by all the great a teammate in Narwhalswap I feel like I'm traveling as lightspeed through hyperspace.

Tramirostronix : Indeed sometimes we are like "devs are already fast, they can't go faster now" and the same day they are like "hey guys 2 new chains coming today"

GP (Host) : In which chains are available your projects?

Tramirostronix : Our Dex Aggregator (Narwhalswap) is available for BSC, MOONriver, Polygon, Avalanche, FTM and Harmony . Grand banks is on BSC, Polygon and Moonriver :) Did I missed one ? @Amsterdamage

A. Styles : So, we just posted an update...things went so fast as we we're making some #SeriousSeptemberMoves the last couple of days. Let me check if we forgot one.

Tramirostronix : Less than 1 month ago ... Only BSC was available

A. Styles : I told you....speed of light

Tramirostronix : So far we can already announce that Solana, Arbitrum and Optimism are planned but can't reveal more now

A. Styles : No worries we still have a lot to do with our platforms on Polygon!

GP (Host) : You are probably the project that is really multichain !

By the way, why this name ?

Tramirostronix : Aha that's a question we often get

GP (Host) : Means that you choose a great name ;)

Tramirostronix : You wanna answer for narwhal @Amsterdamage ? I take the explanation for grand as a proud french guy :p

A. Styles : Remember how Uni became the go to place on ETH? It was that mystical animal that inspired us. But we wanted a nice theme for BSC and chose the sea. I guess the equivalent of a in the sea can only be the legendary Narwhal. This animal is incredibly amazing to see with your very own eyes, and it’s exactly that feeling we want to give our investors: being witness, better yet, being a part of something amazing. Hence our name Narwhalswap

Tramirostronix : The Grand Banks are a series of underwater plateaus around the North American Continental. The Grand Banks are one of the world's richest fishing places.

Of course you can find narwhals in the sea . Finally for the non french people "Grand" means "Big" in french The Grand Banks was the perfect sea pun word for a DeFi app . Tramirostronix : Therefore we can "make DeFi GRAND again"

A. Styles : Coincidentally...a location where one might find the Narwhal ... Ok, maybe not so coincidental we chose that name.

GP (Host) : Honestly I never saw in my life it, but indeed looks amazing even in a simple YouTube video

Tramirostronix : Saw them when I was in Greenland. Definitely a beautiful animal

GP (Host) : Noice You have good ideas for names, without any doubt :).

Defi and crypto are everyday full of new projects, So let’s do the cliche question.

If someone don’t know your projects from BSC, why should invest in it instead of the other thousands of farms?

A. Styles : That is a legitimate and very fair question. Why us?

Tramirostronix : Are these people interested by security and simplicity ? Because in my case I am when I invest in a project !

I want a use case and something which help the Blockchain field to reach mass adoption For narwhalswap, I will say it's always nice to enjoy the best rate when you swap, that's possible with our Dex Aggregator. But you know what's even better ?

To enjoy a 0% fees on every swap ! With narwhalswap you can enjoy both .

> 1000 $NAR in your wallet, and tadaaa 0% fees on ALL swaps you will do.

GP (Host) : That’s exactly something that make you different and reward hodlers, that really use your platform

For Grand Banks, because we want to offer vaults as easy as possible for everyone. Instead of buying/selling tokens at the best rate to make your LP then deposit them in a pool… You can do 1 click, and ZAP we do everything for you. You just need to select the currency you want to use (matic, eth, USDC ). Of course every operation will be made as the best price thanks to our Dex

A. Styles : Let me answer this question from an outside perspective. Our team has proven to be solid and trustworthy. Look at @Bob_Multichained who is also a part of Jet, or @Tramirostronix who is recognized as an amazing Crypto journalist (doxxed) in France. We have devs that earned their stripes, we're OG's of BSC, we have major recognizable partners and an all around great community.

Tramirostronix : Don't spoil my resume mate + I prefer "(former) chief editor for one of the biggest media here "

Finally to finish our answer, because we always put security first And some audits as Certik or our ranking on Rugdocs (top 25/+1000 projets) can confirmed it. Security and simplicity as I said .

Can I add one more thing ?

GP (Host) : Yes sure!

Tramirostronix : "Community is everything". That's something we all think here

GP (Host) : And something that you put in practice

Tramirostronix : Indeed, That's why in the case of $GRAND our users can make proposal to change the protocol directly. More and more votes will come also from our side as time fly. We don't want to "rule" a protocol with a simple reward token.

We want to distribute a token to create YOUR platform, and than can't be done if you ignore community proposal

(So Community go vote and create you'll see the results in the time )

GP (Host) : A real DAO. You will become OG’s too in polygon. Just matter of time :) Tramirostronix : That's our vision indeed And what we are fighting for. And if your grandma can't use a Défi protocol, how can it be a "protocol made by anyone for everyone"

GP (Host) : Regarding use cases are there others too (NAR and GRAND)?

Tramirostronix : And if your grandma can't use a Défi protocol, how can it be a "protocol made by anyone for everyone". For $NAR I'm sure that others will come, but if you are interested by the first one (free swaps). You should "hurry a bit"

$NAR is a deflationary token, when someone use our Dex and don't hold the enough nar for a free swap, instead of taking the money from the fees for us … We buy back and burn .

That + combined with the native burn of our tokens made a huge burn

50% of the Total supply is already destroyed for ever !! But if you don't like to lose what you buy, don't worry $NAR on Polygon and new chains doesn't have a burn rate However .. as you can guess .. more chains means more and more buy and burn pression. For $GRAND as we mentioned you can use it to vote. And if you own 20 GRAND create a proposal for the protocol . Also today it seems a new functionalities was revealed :

Hold $GRAND to earn …

A. Styles : Are you ready for that?

Tramirostronix : Well as you understood our team doesn't earn any money directly with narwhalswap. However, for Grand Banks we earn some fees.

A part is already used to .. buy back and burn $GRAND as chosen by our community. But is it enough to reward an active community ? I mean .. that's nice to build a project with many users. But in that case .. they should deserve to earn from it don't you think ?

A. Styles : So long story short. We liked our tokenomics when we started out. But our name is The Grand Banks and we should stay true to that name and make continues improvements for our fellow Bankers. So today with the aforementioned ad, we finally showed a glimpse of our newest.... GRANDONOMICS!

Tramirostronix : That's a .. GRAND (big) move

A. Styles : Why would you need another token? To vote for improvements of our platform of course, but what if being an investor actually means, becoming part of the platform? An investor in The Grand Banks, now holds out token and earns dividends.

Tramirostronix : We initiate it by making our contracts easier to adapt after a community proposal But this is the big step.

A. Styles : HOLD $GRAND = EARN $BNB/MATIC. You invest in The Grand Banks, you get paid.

Tramirostronix : You improve The Grand Banks ? You also get paid

A. Styles : That's indeed entirely up to our fellow Bankers

Tramirostronix : Of course if Polygon community wanna make a vote to earn some MATIC with it .. we will follow just create a proposal .. and vote

A. Styles : Yes, because Polygon is what we really wanted as a team. We wanted true decentralization and truth be told...BSC has treated us well, but the network is still not truly Defi in our eyes.

Tramirostronix : Also, we don't like to be on 1 chain. Every people prefer this or this Blockchain.

Who are we to say "no not this one" ?

A. Styles : Not only that, but we have seen many small investors losing too much on transaction costs. We don't want to be a platform for the whale but also the small fish

Tramirostronix : Indeed, with Polygon we can increase the number of times we will autocompound We save money ? That's more money for YOU

A. Styles : We truly believe that we can be a home for anyone and provide them with the simplest way of yield farming.

GP (Host) : You are right to dislike being only one 1 chain, this is the best technique. Obviusly not as some projects do “ 4% of fees and abandon the marketing “. You are doing it right and clean.

A. Styles : Well, to be honest we lacked a bit on the marketing part in the past. And that was because we were focused on making a great platform, twice!

Tramirostronix : Building first, marketing ""second""" bull run or bear run doesn't change anything from us. Everyone from the team have been there so it's just like "sun and rain". If you really love something and believe in it, you don't stop when you see some clouds.

A. Styles : But our team never sold the team tokens, like I mentioned before, we believe in what we are doing, and we have been doing it for a year, so with a beautiful unique code.... it's time to ramp up the marketing efforts . Which is why this month al we do, is making #SeriousSeptemberMoves

GP (Host) : That’s why you are here now :) Unfortunately in crypto, there are many scams in marketing. But good marketing makes amazing results

Tramirostronix : Also I know I will repeat myself but as a $GRAND holders you can also influence how we will use a part of our team fees for marketing or which partnership we will sign. And actually, the current AMA we are doing now results in a community "initiative" in our telegram

GP (Host) : Explain us your yield farming model! + Are there any vaults in your platform? Please tell us everything about them

Tramirostronix : Sure ! So far our vaults are deployed on BSC, Polygon and Moonriver (polkadot) On BSC we distributed the rewards of the pools we support and enhanced it with a $GRAND distribution Thanks to our partnership with Apeswap and the $GRAND reward we can offer up to 0.51% / daily for GRAND-BNB.

"ok BSC is fine but we are polygon" maybe you are saying ? We will be able to offer some pretty nice rewards thanks to this :

A. Styles : Adding more value to our stake of making #SeriousSeptemberMoves . One day on Polygon with our own bridged token and already a partnership announcement!!

Tramirostronix : Of course we will enhanced our Polygon vaults with some $GRAND rewards now that the Bridge is available

GP (Host) : Talking about the bridge, how is going?

A. Styles : I know I talk on our devs behalf when I'm saying: we're doing well. I want to take the time to acknowledge their hard work and how proud I am to be part of this team!

Tramirostronix : Our Devs just fall asleep a few hours ago. Our Devs just fall asleep a few hours ago. I don't know for you, but for me that's bullish as **** and a proof that everything is fine

GP (Host) : Ahahahaa that’s correct

A. Styles : They managed to bridge our two native BSC tokens to Polygon, battle tested it and launched successfully today!

Tramirostronix : And during that time deployed 5 chains and sign a partnership

GP (Host) : You must have big tea. Or tiny sleep routine ahhahaha

A. Styles : Caffeinated drinks...

Tramirostronix : Tiny sleep routine is the one aha, but I'll go with "efficient and dedicated team "

GP (Host) : Exactly as should be At the end this is our passion

Tramirostronix : Indeed it's almost 11pm in France .. and while my girlfriend sleep next to me I'm still """working"" But who care when you enjoy it like it's Holliday everyday .

Yes it sounds a bit cliché .. but I swear that's the truth

GP (Host) : Guys it’s impossible be in crypto and not love them, you will just die lol

A. Styles : Yes, I don't have enough good things to say about our team. Working hard and really trying to make a difference in this cryptoworld we're all in.

Tramirostronix : For the story, @Amsterdamage are not from the """core "" team at first. We are just investors here since September 2020, but when we saw a team working during 1 year and EVEN. Burning a part of it's own "team allocation " after a community vote. As a proof of their commitment … Honestly, why wouldn't we join a team like that ! And here we are for many months now ‍

A. Styles : No end in sight and not a hair on my head that thinks of leaving. I'm that's also a reason why

GP (Host) :

Tramirostronix : Are you sure it's not because you are old mate ?

A. Styles : You're going to do me like that in public

GP (Host) : Guys you are amazing ahahaa

A. Styles : Oh it's on now

Tramirostronix : You still have this issue .. common grandpa. Anyway, let’s get back to the "serious topics"

GP (Host) : Most funny ama by far lol. What is the NFTs market in Narwhalswap?

A. Styles : The NFT market is a good example of the uniqueness of our Narwhalswap platform.

Tramirostronix : And a featured deploy in October 2020, community take notes

A. Styles : When NFT's became a hot topic, we were already working on them and said to ourselves: "why would we sell just pixels? Let's give them a usecase!"

Tramirostronix : Why creating NFT if you can't use them ? Indeed ! You wanna farm more ? You have "ranks"

You wanna compound more times ? Bam another NFT

As a sea and pirate ecosystem It's normal to have "shovel", "chest " filled with different amount of golds, or special badges for your pirates . But like a leader, we, fellow bankers will follow the path of our mighty narwhal ‍.

That's why .. you can soon except some special narwhals NFT and trust us, a narwhal offers MANYYY possibilities for NFT

GP (Host) : Basically depends on nft you gain special powers right?

A. Styles : GP {BETODRIVE}

Exactly ! Well we said it before, but I'll gladly repeat it: we're doing this to give investors a choice and an amazing experience with Narwhalswap. Our NFT's help you earn more, faster. Just a little addition to what other platforms were doing and a fun NFT. Of course you can sell your NFT on our market or buy others....but we didn't stop there. :)

Tramirostronix :

Here is a part of my personal collection middle and right NFT are maximum levels ..

Unfortunately I'm not as lucky as I would so .. left NFT is only level 3 on 5

A. Styles : So, we have another token that you can earn and open our Gachapon bear with me, because it might become a bit complex from here.

Tramirostronix : Indeed, to earn NFT you can either buy them on our Marketplace or play a Gachapon but indeed that's kinda complex to summup here . But if you are a lucky guy, you can try, you will ALWAYS win something

A. Styles : So it's still random what you win, but basically you can earn these NFT's for free and sell them on our NFT market if you don't use them for gaining extra powers. Another way for our investors to increase their returns in quite a fun way if I say so myself

Tramirostronix : Gosh finally it's easy to sum up So wise .. we can thank your age

A. Styles : Next time your other half needs oil, don't count on me.

Tramirostronix : *sadness*

A. Styles : It's a good thing you don't have feeling as a cyborg/android :p

Tramirostronix : Touché

GP (Host) : Ahaha, looking forward to try them, and find the best one.

This question is blowing up my mind, in positive way ahahap : What is the final goal of your project?

A. Styles : Beautiful question indeed!

Tramirostronix : Hum personally I don't like the "final" word, nothing is never over !

I mean, if you wanna reach the top that's good but .. after that you need to stay there and continue to improve. So no "final goal" for me

But I will say that when your grandma will be able to explain and show to your own kids how to use DeFi : we will be at the middle of the road Let's see what grandpa @Amsterdamage think

When he finish to write obv

A. Styles : I won't speak for the whole team, but maybe a bit. Our goal is to become the best place for crypto investing in general. We're small but unique. We're not a pancake copy, our code is really one of a kind and respected by many other devteams. This complexity doesn't mean that Defi should be, so we made it simple. I feel we succeeded in reaching that goal with The Grand Banks, because you can one-click deposit. The end goal is to give anyone in the world this option.

I understand it sounds farfetched, but a goal you can easily reach is not a goal, that's just a for us.

Tramirostronix : Same vision, different words

Gosh we should form a team ! .... Wait a minute !!!

GP (Host) : Talking about security, Everyday in maticnews we cover multiple projects, some of them are scam or just not safe. How safe is your project, I guess before doing any investment this is one of the area of concern that one will check upon. Are there any audits done?

Tramirostronix : Indeed like @Amsterdamage we don't fork or it's the minimum

A. Styles : Well this is a question I want everyone to ask any project they potentially invest in. See, I don't use the word gambling, but investing.

Tramirostronix : We don't like to "rely" on a smart contract made by someone. That's why we develop almost everything. So far we are audited by Certik with a nice 88/100 at the first trial and by Rugdocs which put us in the top 25 most secure project of all the projects they have audited, and we are talking about more than 1000 projects !

A. Styles : 2000!

Tramirostronix : Gosh they increased so much I guess that's a real good news for us to still be in the top !

GP (Host) : Indeed ahaha! That’s really something nice and important to hear !

Tramirostronix : Honestly we prefer to delay something, than publishing it without being sure, when some projects made "a verification", our team reserved days (and sometimes week) for it. Again it sounds a bit cliché but you can't imagine how much time devs are saying "we are in final testing" They think architecture first and not "pieces". That's how you get a secure ecosystem and not pieces linked together with a tiny rope made by someone else

A. Styles : Exactly, Don't just take our word for it, ask around what others think of us, look at our Audit, ask RugDoc's opinion and most definitely look how true we are to our words. We really believe that Defi cán be a safe, trusted and anonymous place. Our actions speak louder than our words

GP (Host) : Last sentence should be print forever on MaticNews

Tramirostronix : Too late it's on

GP (Host) : Let’s talk about the tokenomics, which is yours and why did you choose this!

Tramirostronix : @Amsterdamage I think you can show him the big text @GPVVKING excuse him for a bit. He's trying to find the big thing

A. Styles : Old age ‍ So, yeah here goes!!

• GRAND tokens are capped at 30,000 and are being burned (as voted by our community) to make them more scarce.

• Max supply: 30,000 GRAND tokens (33% has been mined as of August 13)

• Token able to be mined by depositing into the farming LP funds

• Token holder = governance vote. Holding $GRAND allows you to decide on the platform's future

• Mining of the token supply to be completed within 10 months (expected February 2022)

• Platform fees to be used for buyback and burns— of which 50% will be burned and 50% will be distributed to GRAND-BNB liquidity providers

• 1% has been burned forever

It's a blatant copy-pasta, but it's one of the most frequently asked questions. I do have to say #SeriousSeptemberMoves don't end today, and we will have a major update on this soon

Tramirostronix : And for $NAR I mentioned it before a bit but : 21 millions token and almost 50% burn .

Now i realized we have to edit it to add the new GRANDONOMIC functionality for the holders Gosh .. that's definitely a problem to have a fast team, you need to edit everything 20times / week

A. Styles : Well let's be real… We still haven't showed the back of our tongues

GP (Host) : Feel free to share here next updates!

Tramirostronix : With pleasure

A. Styles : We will as they are going to impact our Polygon venture as well

GP (Host) : Besides this, how are revenue being generated for the project itself that could be used on future development?

Tramirostronix : Hum that's a bit tricky to answer We can't say to our community what they should suggest or propose; I mean D in DAO also stands for Democracy and not Dictature don't you think . We can just partially answer this question and will discover the rest of the answer with you aha. <@Amsterdamage it's your time to shine

A. Styles : I can give it a shot. We have a performance fee if you withdraw from a pool, that gets redistributed to either buy back tokens or since today, redistributed to token holders. The team hold tokens too

GP (Host) : Next one was about roadmap, and future plans

Tramirostronix : This one is easier ! First we want to continue our cross chain conquest : Arbitrum, Optimism, Solana, Ethereum, Cardano ; we will “Gotta catch them all !”

A. Styles : We also have our Best Rate Swap. Where now we provide swap options for a multitude of chains. And of course if you don't hold 1000+ $NAR tokens those fees are going to buy backs and burns adding value to our, never sold, team tokens. Again...token holders benefit from this.

Tramirostronix : Aside that, our team is working on new products such as a portfolio tracker, or a new version of our ZAP to give you the possibility to enter any pools with THE token you want. And we mentioned it but new NFT with new powers will come

A. Styles : Did we mention that our Zap uses our very own Best Rate Swap with every transaction?

Tramirostronix : Yes I did :), don't forget to take your memory after the AMA

A. Styles : Great because those transactions fees flow back into our platform and users

GP (Host) : Ahahaaha, indeed this ama it’s FULL of infos. And very interesting, looking forward for another in 3 months

Tramirostronix : Yes we don't want to blow our (only ? :/) chance with MATIC news High quality group deserves high quality news (if I'm doing a bit too much you tell me @GPVVKING ).

GP (Host) : Not at all! I’m really enjoying this AMA

A. Styles : GRAND! So are we!

Tramirostronix : More seriously it's nice to be here and show what we build

GP (Host) : That’s exactly why we invite you. Seems cliché but we invite only interesting projects

A. Styles : I hope we don't bore the community to sleep with all this information, because we're excited about our platforms and the future and love telling the world about it!

GP (Host) : What is your opinion about polygon network community

Tramirostronix : I'm pretty new to it to be honest but people seems more " chill" and passionate and more experienced too of course (compared to BSC). it's really nice to keep an open mind between having ""newbies""" users and more experienced users as we can all learn from someone else.

GP (Host) : I confirm and communities are different.

Tramirostronix : That's also the perfect way to build a strong community and reach mass adoption Of course on the tech, even if I like BSC fees... They can't compete against Polygon

In bsc unfortunately are cash machines sometimes against new users, while here it’s totally different

A. Styles : So I fell in love with Polygon after the first interaction. Getting Matic tokens from a faucet and seeing the ridiculous low TX fees! The more I learned about the network, the team and the projects I was hooked! @Bob_Multichained introduced us to Jet on Polygon and here we are now... partnering up on our first day with another platform.

Tramirostronix : Mate don't spoil our next move ! , you're back to your old habits ..

A. Styles : You talked about “cash machines”, that's a big reason why we want to be here. We want to be a platform for the whale and the small fish. With low transaction fees we can really become that.

Part 2 : Questions from the community

What is "Gold Week" appearing on Gachapon? Will those special weeks go on?

A. Styles : You can play our Gachapon with $GOLD tokens that you can earn by staking $NAR. We're not going to stop these weeks, but there will be a cool change coming up in the future, so stay tuned and make use of it while you can. Price of NAR went up with 200% in the last month!

If I want to have 0% fees transaction on swapping please what's the minimum $NAR token I could be able to hold and what can we stake to obtain $BANANA token?

And as for the newly zapped LP's, are there steps to start auto compounding them?

Tramirostronix : For the 0% fees you need to hold > 1000 $NAR in you wallet. So if you wanna enjoy BSC free swap and polygon free swap you need > 1000 nar in each wallet :). To obtain BANANA you can go to apeswap and stake BNB-GRAND OR you can use our vaults. We will sell the BANANA rewards to increase your LP and give you some $GRAND in rewards APY is around 0.51%/daily. On Polygon same process will happen with Crystal . And for the zap no steps, you deposit with the token you want inna pool and we do the rest Except for BNB-GRAND ALP and CLP on BSC where you will get $GRAND so if you wanna compound more it's one you.

I read in your whitepaper that you presented yourself as the Narwhal of the BSC ocean, emphasizing that the Unicorn is not real, but that the Unicorn grege actually lives in the oceans. On the face of it, this is an interesting metaphor, but we also see that your competitor, Uniswap, has come a long way since it was launched before you and gained a significant market share.

What innovations or advantages will Narwhalswap offer users to compete with Uniswap and others? Does your team constantly strive for new products and updates based on innovation? Considering the difficulty of changing user habits, do you have an effective strategy to increase the number of active users and become the most preferred platform?

Tramirostronix : Uniswap is indeed the leader and that's normal in regards of what they gave to the world ! We have a huge respect for the work, however, I think we can all agree that it's not "user friendly " focused. Doing a swap can be difficult and when it comes to farming .. With our zap function and our minimal UI, farming and swapping is simple as possible. In fact if you just want to farm, you NEVER have to swap ! When you deposit or withdraw we will take care of everything. That's why some new users are surprised to learn we use our own dex

A. Styles : Great question! So we really don't look at Uniswap as a competitor or any other project for thst matter. We truly believe we can complement each other by bringing something new and interesting to investors. Lots of respect to Uni they made a great platform amd we enjoy seeing their growth. If you want to talk about competition, some people call beefy our competition, but in reality that's a partner of us our devteams actually know each other so it was an easy partnership. And you're right consumer behavior changes all the time, we have proven that we change with time as well. From a UI that was a pixelated throwback to 8bit videogames, to a sleep new simple UI. From staking and earning, to NFT's with usescases to now a Cross Chain simple Yield aggregator. Yeah, we evolve constantly. And we see that providing this great platform comes with an increase in users.

Best Exchange Rate, Best Rate Swap… Those “best” emphasizes have any proven proofs? What if any other project might have “better” rates than yours?

Tramirostronix : Good remarks ! I'll say that the best thing to do is to try

If you find a road with higher rates, you can inform us and we will upgrade or Dex

As we said, we can always improve so we will not take it as an "attack" but as an help to build a stronger project . Do you wanna add something A.Styles ?

A. Styles : Nope, but I like that we get a real question that could be perceived in two ways. Indeed we call it The Best Rate Swap we don't say the cheapest, but we try! Holding our tokens, means that the swap is working for you. I don't know many other examples that do that

I love the fact that Narwhalswap is a DEX aggregator in multichains. You also have incorporate bridging between BSC and polygon and hopefully other chains soon.This to me is GRANDbreaking.

Do you see yourself as an underdog, who can surpass expectations and become a major player? How would your community help you achieve this? Seeing the success of any project lies with the team and its community

Tramirostronix : Nice pun really like it I think we see us a undersea dog (?) because we believe in what we are offering and will offer. For the community indeed they have a big role to play ! That's why we listen them, for this AMA for example ! Amazing idea If our community can introduce is to good communities and propose new and interesting proposal... I think we should be fine

What is your business model and revenue model? Please share more details on how are you going to generate revenue?

Tramirostronix : For narwhalswap :

Teams owns a part of the supply and as we said never sold any tokens Therefore we only count on the price of $NAR and that's it. We will build to make it fly and earn something

For grand banks :

That's the same spirit for the $GRAND but here we also earn a part of the fees of the platform. Finally we are building new products so maybe we will earn some money from them

Hundreds of projects have popped up lately that are just to market tokens and are of no use to crypto, and I think the crypto dump is going to fill up. Therefore, my question will be in a somewhat more general sense. What are the values that distinguish Narwhalswap from this garbage and make it one of the indispensable projects of crypto? What contributions will you make to the Blockchain and DeFI ecosystem that others do not?

A. Styles : It's an honest question and I feel like we have answered this today. We have been in the bsc ecosystem for almost a year now. We always, always put the safety of our platform and community first. We understand that people invest in our platform to make money, sometimes with the little bit they have because banks won't give them any returns on small amounts. Our contribution is to give even these investors real value for their time and investment...and make it fun and safe along the way

Regarding your bridge, you are currrently using anyswap for the bridge. In there a plan of developing a bridge on your own? One with a zap function with the possibility of bridging assets or LP tokens to your vaults in other chains for example

Tramirostronix : For the bridge that's something we have in mind because like we said we don't like to depend of something and .. you also figured the main reason ! Congrats

For NFTs, will the Grand Banks see their version too or only for Narwhalswap ???

Just interested in it

Tramirostronix : We will have NFT for the ALL ecosystem, I guess that's a big clue . Sure, by 0% fees we mean you just need to pay the gas .

We can't pay it so far but that's actually a good suggestion in order to have a 0% friction transaction !

Definitely something to work on later, so thanks for the idea

Hey guys, this was a really fun AMA but let me ask a serious question, because you have spoke out a big goal: Do you think investing in the grand banks could become a life-changing experience for underprivileged people in the world? If so, how will you reach them?

Tramirostronix : Hehe glad that you liked it

I personally think DeFi and Blockchain are a life changing experience.

That's why I engaged myself as a crypto journalist in real life. To teach to people about it.

Unfortunately .. DeFi is wayyyy tooooo difficult and sometimes insecured :/

Everytime you hear about a hack or a scam .. that's the all field which loose credibility.

We want to change that. Everyone deserve the right to enjoy and use his money like he wants.

To reach them first we will go to major community and than go to non crypto media for example . As a journalist in the field, let's say I have some contacts in Forbes and more regular newspaper, but .

A. Styles : Short answer: yes, we believe that investing in The Grand Banks can become a life-changing experience. We have poured our time, energy, intellect and money in our platform to make it work as smoothly and simple as possible. Your question is why Polygon plays such a big role on our plans. With the low transaction fees we're able to reach people with a smaller filled wallet to enjoy one-click deposits and earning on their investment. A simple way to grow your wealth, no matter how tiny it might be. How do we reach them all...well we're trying hard to grow our name now. you will see our name on other platforms through AMA's like these, advertisements and any other way possible to reach people indirectly. We are working on the translation of our platforms to make it even more accessible in the future!

Which one of these aspects is important for your project?

1. Increasing Token Price & Value

2. Empowering Platform Development

3. Building Community Trust

4. Expanding Partnership Globally

Tramirostronix : I think we are pretty good for the 2. I will choose 3, however 4. Come with a good community and that's because community and partners believed in your product (2.) That you get 1.

A. Styles : 2 and 3 and 1/4 will follow for sure

A lot of users are not good at English, does your project have a community for Non-English people?Do you have any plans to add NFT's to your ecosystem as this is the hottest topic in the crypto space???

Tramirostronix : We have different languages community, and our team is from many countries so we can translate and adapt . French, Russian and Greek should be available soon . Other languages will follow.




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