AMA #4 Transcript : Crystl Finance X Narwhalswap Team (09/24/21)

Published in
8 min readOct 1, 2021

This fourth AMA was hold by Crystl Finance, the biggest DeFi project on Polygon the 09/24/21.
Our crew composed of A . Styles (@Amsterdamage), Bob (@Bob_Multichained), Narwhalcoolkids (@Narwhalcoolkids) and Tramirostronix (@Tramirostronix) were answering all the questions of the Crystl Finance Team.

Part 1 : Question from Matic.News

Jimmy The Hypnotist (Host) : Alright let's start it off with some introductions Care to introduce yourselves? Tell us a little bit about your roles at Grand Banks. Give us a brief introduction to your project!

Narwhalcoolkids : Hi everyone we are known as the Narwhalswap team !!
I’m Coolkids (can call me CK) being dev and chief of the project

Bob #BSC : To introduce myself, my name is Bob, my background in crypto has mainly bin on the BSC, great projects like Narwhalswap/Grandbanks , Jetfuel finance/ fortress and Autofarm, where i moderate the chats, handle the socials and/or being responsible for marketing and partnerships.

Tramirostronix : On my side name is a bit long so .. let's keep it to "Trami"
I've been in the field for most than 4 years now and I'm in real life a crypto journalist in the best country in the world : France and the former chief Editor of the biggest media there In our crew I'll help for the moderation and write the articles of our medium about the universe we are creating and some partnership sometimes

Jimmy The Hypnotist (Host) : Great to hear you have so much experience in the team :)

King D (Host) : Nice to meet you folks Kinda sounds like y'all are vets in the space with lots of experience.
Care to give us a quick intro to Grand Banks?

Narwhalcoolkids : Yup! About our project, we launched narwhalswap our first product on BSC 1 year ago already ! After some upgrade Narwhalswap is now a Dex Aggregator available on BSC, Polygon, MOONriver (polkadot), Avalanche FTM and Harmony ! Don’t worry it just a start. Narwhalswap is linked with $NAR a capped and high deflationary token ! Indeed 21m only and 50% already burned !!!
Holding > 1000 NAR in your wallet give you the opportunity to do, every swap for FREE. Of course you still have to pay to confirm the Blockchain transaction but that's it ! In case where you have have less NAR, we use the fees to buy back and burn the token !
We also have a NFT marketplace as we were one of the first platform on BSC to make NFT used to increase what you farm. Our second product "The Grand Banks" was launched in April 2021 and it's a yield optimizer. So far the product is on BSC and Polygon and Moonriver but here again, others will come !!!

Tramirostronix : Here indeed, "FREE" is not a mistake, it's really 0% fees on your swaps

Narwhalcoolkids : The token is the $GRAND capped to 30 000 only and more than 1% of the total supply is already burned…. The token is our DAO token
Fees of the platform are used to buy back and burned as voted by our users and soon a part will be distributed to holders thanks to our “Hold grand and earn matic/bnb” !!!

King D (Host) : These are all pretty innovative features dudes, super impressive.

Narwhalcoolkids : Unlike other yield optimizer, the goal here is to make DeFI simple as possible. (just one click). That's why when you wanna join a pool you can either create your LP or deposit BUSD/BNB/GRAND on BSC or MATIC/ETH/USDC on Polygon. We will use our own Dex to make ALL the transactions (swap at best price, create LPs, deposit them ) and compound. One click to deposit only. When you wanna withdraw you select your currency and we do the same

Tramirostronix : Therefore even if you never farmed in your life, as long as you know how to click on a button, you're ready to go :) Even my grandma can farm now

Bob #BSC : Dam give this narwhale some water!

Jimmy The Hypnotist (Host) : It's so important to make yield farming as easy and intuitive as possible :)

Tramirostronix : That's how we will reach mass adoption indeed

King D (Host) : That's all some awesome stuff guys. Really chuffed that there are other projects in the thick of it trying to make it so our nana's can collect internet dollars. That's why we focus a lot on ensuring our community is educated.

Our next question pertains to the future of the Grand Banks platform, what's next?! what's on your roadmap that has you most excited ?

Bob : The new zap function, you will have much more liberty, bringing even more frictionless yield to the masses! We might have something NFT related upcoming aswell…. may we spoil a hint? @King_D3 . Most exciting things we did lately is expanding to polygon and MOVR and starting our GRAND emission on top on Poly. Expect more chains, that we can say!

King D (Host) : Ooooh, cross chain is exciting :) . I also love me some NFTs, really excited to see some Non Fungible narwhals in the future ;) ?

Bob :

Something is coming..

King D (Host) : If we’re all done with that question, can you tell us about $GRAND? We’ve launched an awesome stake CRYSTL earn GRAND pool, would be cool to hear about some use-cases (or future use-cases ) the Crystal Crew can explore with their earnings!

Tramirostronix : Like we said, $GRAND is our native token with a supply of 30 000. If you stake some crystal you should have earn $GRAND ! Here is what you can do with it :

-provide liquidity and thanks to the partnership with Crystl.. and our rewards .. enjoy up to 1% / daily

-vote for our DAO or make a proposal

And soon .. as a holder you will be able to enjoy some MATIC aswell...
Spoiler alert but.. we will use some fees of our platform to make you earn some $MATIC ; Earn grand = get some matic

Jimmy the hypnotist (Host) : Love that, so much utility :)

Tramirostronix : That’s our GRANDonomic indeed

Part 2 : Questions from the community

How experienced and promising is GrandBank team ? I have seen many project gives promises for high impression at first but later they abandon failing to give results

A. Styles : So, let’s go! We have established ourselves onto the BSC for 1 year already. Proven ourselves to be reliable and very secure! We are not here to suit or anything, ask our community! Devs are on fire with there unique codes and project future plans. Indeed, “forking” is not a word we like, unlike “develop”.

Bob famous in jetswap and other community.

My experience .... Well this is my second team, the first one was not too interesting as I was only involved as a comms manager. Here we can do and learn so much more!!

Trami cm with also good knowledge of the field and as a crypto journalist and former chief editor of the leader in the field in France

That’s why we’re making #SeriousSeptemberMoves

How would you explain The Grand Banks to a person who has no knowledge of the project?

Narwhalcoolkids : Frictionless yield farming and auto compounding, effortless due to our code and zap function. The easiest and most care-free way for new DeFi users to get known to the bizz.

Why did you choose the polygon network ? What advantages outweighed other networks in choosing this network? Did you have a hard time choosing?

Tramirostronix : Well fee wise , Poly is great. It’s soooooo fucking cheap compared to BSC, which is already kinda cheap. Therefore we can compound much more times our vault on polygon and offer higher APY to our community .
We also moved to polygon and not on another Blockchain first because ... Our community asked us !

They told us "Guys, Polygon community is much more mature and focused on Building new platform like you do, You HAVE to go there."
And here we are :) And indeed, Polygon community is much more wised as BSC one.
It’s easier to make partnership as we know the project we are talking with will not disappear in 2 or 3 days. Or course we also wanted to have a Blockchain which can be considered as truly decentralized and polygon was also here a good fit

So polygon was the first , But it’s not the last ! Like we said Narwhalswap is actually on 6 chains and Grand Banks on 3 chains (MOONriver)

Indeed, thanks to the architecture of the platform @Narwhalcoolkids did... We succeeded to deploy on 5 chains in 20 days

If Narwhalswap is an AMM Protocol developed before creating Grand Banks. So why did you create Grand Banks as an external product? Couldn’t they just include this product in the already established Narwhalswap project?

Tramirostronix : Narwhalswap and The Grand Banks are 2 products of 1 ecosystem
When you use our zap feature on grand banks to make a deposit in the currency of your choice, we use our Dex Aggregator to do all the operations. Therefore you enjoy the best rate on the swaps and we are not depending of another projects .
However, in order to make farming easier for everyone, people outside from défi don’t need to know what is a "Dex". That’s why we chose to create 2 products as part of one ecosystem.

You have experience in défi and wanna enjoy 0% swaps ? Just go to Narwhalswap

You don’t know anything about it, just deposit on Grand Banks and you will never have to deal with "swaps" :). That’s also why we have 2 different tokens, one for each project. However if you wanna enjoy our full ecosystem it’s better to hold both $NAR and $GRAND as you will fully unleashed the Narwhal

What is your plan about globalization? Do you have local Communities for those user who don’t understand English well?What can we expect to see from your platform in the short-term (at some point in 2021) & 2022?And beyond (long-term goals)?

A. Styles : Love this question for a particular reason. We believe in Defi. Decentralized finance. Having low fees enables even people from a lesser financial background to profit from our low bar Yield Farming. We want to provide financial freedom for all those that seek it. Polygon will help us with this purpose.

Tramirostronix : About the globalization, we have the chance to have a team from different part of the world (French, Greek, asian, Russian ).
So our platform is almost available in these languages

For others, we asked our community to vote to know if they wanted a translation in as many languages as possible. Without any surprises : YES, won
And here we are again following them, this time in this globalization adventure

Bob : At narwhal we had several Ambassadors aswell, reaching whole the globe, we might need to reconsider this and do this again, we are always looking for ways to expand our community!

Where Can I buy your tokens right now and also which wallet support your token?

Bob : The main place to go for our native tokens is our own DEX :Narwhalswap offcourse!! feeless if you own 1000NAR.

At Narwhalswap and the Grand Banks were trying to support as many wallet extensions as possible, metamask, binance smart chain wallet, Trust, all are compactible with our services. We recently added ONTOwallet aswell and keep expanding so everyone can use our products!!




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