May the Mighty Narwhal guide our path to conquest the multiverse : conquest plan update

Published in
2 min readSep 18, 2021

It’s been almost 1 year since we started our journey to 🙌make DeFi GRAND again🙌. In advance of this celebration, we would like to share with you our latest discoveries and progress.

Finalization of the Polygon colony (Bridge)

While our crew was finalizing the bridge that will allow all of our fellow pirates to join us in this world, other treasure-hungry pirates were already out searching for new worlds, guided by the mighty narhwal.

We have just received an interdimensional bottle from them, bearing a seal with a moon overhanging a river.

A New world is now available ! (Moonriver)

According to this document, this world called Moonriver, would ironically thanks to the power of the sun to enjoy APY on stablecoins up to 70%! Other treasures seem to be alluring, as shown in this drawing.

Nevertheless, this world seems to be still under construction. The experienced privateers that we are, wonder if there is any interest in setting up a bridge soon. Pirates, let us know what you think!

A Mighty narwhal was seen in … new universes !?

As you all know, the mighty narwhal offers us the way to the sea and the universes. According to some stories, the mighty narwhal has been seen in the 💟BSC, 💟Polygon and 💟Moonriver universes, but also in two new worlds whose names we now know thanks to the latest Pirate Gazette:

  • Avalanche
  • Fantom
  • Harmony

True to our beliefs, we will soon take the path that this mystical animal opens up for us to conquer the multiverse in the most efficient way. But where will it go next?

Predicting the Mighty Narwhal travel

Following a recent mapping of what appears to be the multiverse, we were able to determine that it could be heading towards 3 different universes:

  • A universe appearing to be serene, which we have soberly named “Optimism”
  • A universe from which a weak moonbeam seems to escape, “Moonbeam”
  • And finally, a universe similar to a peak. For some reason, our chief astronomer has suggested the name “Arbitrum”

We will keep you posted soon about these new destinations and the new partners who will accompany us on our great journey.

Narwhalswap team




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