Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2020

Your guide to the NAR-BURNS, BUFFRATES and how the team is creating an anti-degen-habit protocol for safer and fairer long-term HODLs in BSC.

*all info written is the current mechanics and settings in place for The Narwhalswap Protocol at the time of writing

THE 5% NAR-BURN : Transactions & Harvesting NAR

If you haven’t already looked it up in the docs, NAR tokens have a burn implemented into them when they move from one place to another. What this means is:

For every transaction that a NAR token undergoes,

5% of the amount of the token is burned.

Now let’s break that down bit by bit.

Every transaction means the following:

  • Swapping NAR into another token — Example: NAR into BNB
  • Swapping another token into NAR — Example: BNB into NAR
  • Sending NAR from one address to another address — Example: transferring from one wallet to another wallet.
  • Harvesting NAR (more about that later)

All these transactions that move NAR from one place to another, will induce a 5% burn on NAR tokens (a.k.a. “THE NAR BURN”).

From this 5% amount which is burned, this is the breakdown.

  • 2.5% is destroyed forever
  • 2.5% goes to the dividend pool (yup, that means rewards for users). From this amount:
    70% is redistributed back to the users who are providing liquidity
    30% is distributed back into a DAO savings
    Now this is where it gets interesting. These funds which are kept will ultimately be used to fund community vote projects. That’s all I can share about at the moment, stay tuned for the launch of this!


When HARVESTING any NAR that is farmed, there is a 10% deduction from the harvest. (This amount is allocated for redistribution into the dividend pool for all NAR holders).

Do remember to take this into account when making the transaction.

10% harvest deduction + 5% NAR-burn =

15% deduction from the harvesting amount

when you harvest!

THE BUFF-RATE : Most Asked Questions So Far

Now I’m not going to try and re-explain the buff-rate mechanics, you can read all about it here: so please read up and understand what it is FIRST.

Here’s what people really want to know:

“When can I refresh and update to a higher buffrate?”

Answer: Exactly 24 hours from your staking time.

This is the absolute, accurate answer. If you staked into the NAR_BNB pool at 10:00AM, you’ll be able to refresh your buffrate the next day at 10:00AM.

“If I add more liquidity before my buffrate refreshes, what happens?”

Answer: Exactly 24 hours from your new staking time.

Let’s say you started the first stake at 10:00AM then you added more liquidity into it at 2PM. Your new buffrate refresh time will be available the following day at 2PM.

The NAR-BURN and buffrates work hand in hand as mechanisms to reward the long-term hodl-er.

The longer you hold = the higher your buffrate (to a max amount)

= the more rewards you get.

Effectively, this is the team’s FIRST efforts to help combat a lot of short term hype buys and sells. Something very common in the new-token/degen world of cryptocurrency.

The buffrates also serve as a small balance between harvesting powers for small, medium and large investors (read the docs for the mechanics of this). Creating a fair-er ecosystem for smaller funds.

I hope this short article helps explain a few things for the NARWHAL PROTOCOL! The team has taken a lot of time to design a system that encourages longevity for your investments and they’re well on their way thereafter an amazing launch.

Here’s to the future of sustainable farming for all!

- The Narwhalswap Team

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We welcome all questions and suggestions so please drop by and say hello!




Uni on the land #ETH. Narwhal in the ocean #BSC