Published in
3 min readOct 30, 2020

This is your guide to the new features and tokens of the NAR Protocol!

(All information is accurate at the time and date of writing and is subject to further updates)

After an insanely stormy sea of the first week of NAR, the developers have reached the first destination to release the new features of the Narwhalswap Protocol:

NAR-staking for NAR token holders as well as the release of two important protocol tokens. $GEMs and $GOLD

The First Treasure of NAR : $GEMS

*TLDR: Stake NAR tokens = get GEM tokens and farm more NAR tokens.

The elusive treasure of the NAR oceans.

The burning token of $NAR has now uncovered the elusive token of the NAR protocol — $GEMs. They appear when you STAKE your $NAR and disappear when you UNSTAKE your $NAR. $GEMs will be an important token in the protocol. Here are some details you might need to know:

  • When you stake $NAR, you attain $GEM tokens as well as farm more $NAR.
    - The $NAR that is farmed from staking is distributed from the dividend pool with the rate of ( (DIVIDEND POOL TOTAL/2) / WEEK )
    - The first injection has already taken place into the staking pool for NAR at the time of this article being written.
  • Total supply of $GEM is dependant on total supply of $NAR
  • $GEM tokens do NOT have a burn function.
  • The dev team would advise you to NOT sell or buy or trade your $GEM tokens, they are for your use and strategy in the NAR protocol.
  • (UPDATE): The $GEM pool has a slightly different buffrate system from other pools:
    - 24 hours per buffrate refresh from timestamp of first staking
    - Upon adding more NAR into staking, the buffrate adjusts based on a weighted average and the refresh timer resets to 24 hours at the time of adding liquidity
    - $GEM pool buffrate resets when unstaking or harvesting NAR
    - ALL USERS have a max buffrate of 15

The Currency Of The Nar-Oceans: $GOLD

*TLDR: Stake $GEM tokens to farm $GOLD tokens

The currency for the sailors of NAR.

Better boats? Better discoveries? Who knows what this will help you with.

$GOLD is the second token introduced by the NAR protocol for this update. You’ll need this token to upgrade your abilities in the near future. To attain $GOLD, this is where your $GEM tokens come in handy. Here’s what you need to know.

  • When you stake $GEM tokens, you farm $GOLD tokens.
  • Only 576 $GOLD tokens are distributed DAILY.
  • $GOLD tokens do NOT have a burn function.
  • $GOLD will be the token used for the NFT gatchapon feature (NFT gatchapon feature to be announced with more details)
    - When using the NFT gatchapon feature, $GOLD tokens will be used to purchase an attempt
    - This transaction is a purchase transaction not a swap transaction
    - Technically, this mechanism is a $GOLD burning mechanism
    - All $GOLD used for the each purchase of a NFT gatchapon will be burned.
  • The $GOLD pool will begin distribution at block 1800000.
  • $GOLD will be the sailors key to attaining NAR-……

And with that, we wrap up the latest updates for the NAR protocol. If you’re reading here with us, the Narwhalswap team thanks you for your time and is grateful that you’ve stuck around through the rough launch week. Do stay tuned to our socials (links below) for the latest updates!

Plan your trades sailors. The NAR ocean can be nasty to the unprepared, but it rewards those with a plan.

  • The Narwhalswap Team

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We welcome all questions and suggestions so please drop by and say hello!




Uni on the land #ETH. Narwhal in the ocean #BSC