A Case for Development Outside Ethereum

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2 min readOct 8, 2019

Ethereum is currently the most popular DApp platform. There is no arguing that at the moment, but whether or not it is the best DApp platform is up for debate. Most of the time, developers opt for Ethereum because of name recognition, the abundance of documentation available, or that’s what they started with as blockchain developers. The main guiding factor towards Ethereum development, thus, is the fact that many developers feel like it is their only option. Today we will focus on Solidity as a development language.

The biggest complaint from developers with regards to Ethereum is the need to learn Solidity. The syntax for writing an Ethereum smart contract is very similar to Javascript, but it is different enough that unfamiliar developers may feel like it is a daunting ordeal.

The key towards bringing blockchain adoption towards users of all walks of life is accessibility. As such, a “blockchain of the future” must have tools that are language agnostic and readily available documentation. Forcing developers to use Solidity can unfairly place Ethereum DApp development into a box only used by a few users.

Solidity may work out for a few enthusiast consumers but expecting large enterprises to learn an entirely new programming language just for blockchain development is a tall order. As we move into the future, users should expect to access many options other than Ethereum (NASGO included).



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NASGO is a open source Blockchain for small and medium-sized enterprises. NASGO facilitates decentralized ecosystems through unique & scalable solutions.