Blockchain: Moving from “Potential” to “Progress”

Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2019

As a relatively new technology, blockchain still has much to show in terms of public adoption. Bitcoin and the many blockchain derived projects of the world have notoriety but not necessarily fundamental usage.

The world today still relies on centralized systems such as banks, government-provided identity, and applications. At this point in time, people don’t understand the need for decentralization because it hasn’t been shown to them yet.

At NASGO, we are focused on real-world applications and use cases. To see real progress, we must move past hypothetical “potential” and see true usage.

Implemented Use Cases

We’ve previously discussed esports, music, content entertainment, and other powerful NASGO use cases. Today, let’s look at what established corporations have successfully utilized blockchain for.

These new developments have had a powerful effect on the future of decentralization. However, this is still only “potential.” We haven’t seen a crypto revolution yet even with big organizations adopting blockchain.

NASGO: Taking the Next Step

Blockchain’s potential is immense. The next step is to take this potential and turn it into usage for the regular usage. Without actual usage, blockchain itself is just a buzzword.

Enter NASGO: By providing a simple, cost-effective way for any company to implement blockchain, NASGO allows any type of business to benefit from the advancements of blockchain. The NASGO platform allows companies to decentralize their processes and provide an immutable ledger to track and validate transactions. These blockchain capabilities are already available for companies.



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NASGO is a open source Blockchain for small and medium-sized enterprises. NASGO facilitates decentralized ecosystems through unique & scalable solutions.