Further accessibility for deposits on AMICO
The AMICO team has implemented USDT deposits for both ERC20 and OMNI versions of the token. As different ways to deposit on AMICO increases, the more accessible the AMICO app will become. As AMICO is a crypto social media platform, opening up new cryptocurrency deposits allows users to chat, build communities, and engage customers in a new and exciting ways. Access AMICO here.
The NASGO team is looking for blockchain engineers
As a the NASGO platform prepares to scale out, more manpower will be needed to keep up with development. As a blockchain engineer, you will be tasked with designing, developing and implementing blockchain-based solutions. We will rely on you in launching blockchain networks as well as developing and enhancing smart contracts. We welcome diversity and encourage healthy debate and discussion. Our blockchain engineers and full-stack developers are versatile and self-motivated, can work in a self-directed manner or in a collaborative setting as needed, and display leadership qualities. Email team@nasgo.com if you are interested.