NASGO Weekly Update 9/20/19

Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2019

We have an exciting update on the new features for AMICO, a key app on the NASGO ecosystem. In addition, we would like to highlight a community development project, “NASGO Kitties,” an offshoot of Crypto Kitties developed specifically for the NASGO platform.

A new way to deposit on AMICO

The AMICO team has implemented Bitcoin, Ethereum, and USDT deposits on the app. This allows users to easily send different types of currencies to customers, opening up a new possibilities for companies to interact with customers. As AMICO is a crypto social media platform, opening up new cryptocurrency deposits allows users to chat, build communities, and engage customers in a new and exciting ways.

BTC, ETH, and USDT Deposits

Community Development Highlight: Blockchain Kitties

The team is highlighting an exciting DApp project build on the NASGO platform. According to the creator, AsianRiceMan, Blockchain Kitties is a game based on the Crypto Kitties framework but built specifically with the usage of NASGO in mind. The project is tokenized using NASGO and is not an ICO, but rather a decentralized game. The in-app token is called MEOW. Find out more here:



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NASGO is a open source Blockchain for small and medium-sized enterprises. NASGO facilitates decentralized ecosystems through unique & scalable solutions.