You Are the Most Important Asset On the Internet

Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2019

Let’s consider the biggest tech companies today. Facebook, Google, and others; all thrive off of the user. In exchange for “free” services that aren’t really free, users trade their attention to Facebook and Google, who in turn sell this attention to advertisers.

Essentially, You are the most important asset on the internet. You are free labor for tech companies. You are freely being monetized as they shower you with services that are designed to keep you on their websites and apps longer as they extract attention from you.

The average internet user is being sucked dry while the pockets of the biggest companies in the world swell. How do users get out from under this?

As always, blockchain is the great equalizer. The problem with centralized solutions is the following: the publisher gets paid by advertisers for services that the user provides (attention). Data management providers and demand-side platforms (again, think Facebook and Google) pocket the money for brokering the sale between publishers and advertisers.

Publishers, advertisers, and users all get the short end of the stick in this regard while the advertising platforms themselves get the lion’s share of profit.

What does blockchain provide? Simple: control. Content creators build and distribute quality content on the blockchain and users provide attention and use digital currency to directly pay the content creators. In turn, content creators can pay advertisers to help market their content. In this ecosystem entities such as Facebook and Google are completely cut out.

The NASGO ecosystem provides a solution that allows the most important asset in the internet, the user, to be treated like a key piece in the world of content distribution. Using the VAPR app, users are rewarded for creating quality content and can unlock exclusive items such as music that exists only on the NASGO blockchain.

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NASGO is a open source Blockchain for small and medium-sized enterprises. NASGO facilitates decentralized ecosystems through unique & scalable solutions.