Announcing the 2018 JHM award winners and judges

Farnia Fekri
Published in
2 min readJan 7, 2018

On Jan. 6, 2018, after an amazing keynote by Desmond Cole, JHM coordinator Sean Wetselaar and the incredible Willow Fiddler (of APTN) presented the the JHM awards to this year’s winners. These prestigious awards saw +600 submissions, and were judged by some of the Canadian media’s biggest names.

This year’s generous judges—in no particular order—were Erin Valois, Julie Carl, Bill Gillespie, H. G. Watson, Susan Ferguson, Adrian Morrow, Josh Visser, Jackie Hong, Edward Keenan, Luc Rinaldi, Barry Hertz, Matt Radz, Amit Shilton, Kris Klaasen, Al Donato, Lauren Strapagiel, Erica Lenti, Nicole Schmidt, Steve Trumper, Mary Vallis, Jess Tsang, Rose Pereira, Geneviève Biloski, Anne T. Donahue, Chris Kelly, Rob Antle, Karissa Donkin, Davide Mastracci, Theresa Suzuki, Michael Creagen, Marissa Tiel, Scott Morrison, Sean Fitzgerald, Ryan McKenna, Taras Slawnych, Anita Li, Ryan Jackson, Kevin Siu, Shelby Blackley, William Wolfe-Wylie, Eric Mark Do, Sasha Kalra and Elamin Abdelmahmoud.

Arts and culture writing:

Scratch DJ and music producer releases new album, Music to Draw to: Satellite by Sandra Hercegova, The Concordian

Cover of the year:

​Not a Cairn in the World by Jack Hauen, The Ubyssey

Diversity reporting:

The university of Calgary’s LGBTQ history by Jason Herring, The Gauntlet

Feature writing:

The life and death of Jonathan Johnston by Steve Cornwell, The Dialog

Graphic/ Illustration of the year:

Futurist by Sarah Wright, Mars’ Hill

​Humour writing:

Stephen Harper increasingly nervous as Conservatives fail to notice disguiseby Nathan Hood, The Cadre

Investigative journalism:

Conflict in Kelowna by Emma Partridge and David Nixon, The Ubyssey

Labour reporting:

Ram in the Rye staff claim workplace harassment from management by Alanna Rizza, The Eyeopener

Layout of the year:

For the love of Winged Beans by ​Timothy Law, The Silhouette

News writing:

Thieves hitting the gym: Rec Centre thefts on the rise by Grace To, The Western Gazette

Opinion writing:

After Quebec City, Make Racists Afraid Again by Jon Milton, The Link

Photo of the year:

Montreal Police by Brian Lapuz, The Link

​Social Media of the year:

​The Ubyssey

​Sports writing:​

Christopher Berneck is figure skating past his cancer diagnosis by Bryan Meler, The Eyeopener

Student journalist of the year:

Joel Robertson-Taylor, The Cascade

Video of the year:

“hyphen-nation” documentary by Samah Ali, Jenny Jay, The Western Gazette

​Website of the year:​

The Dialog

