12 Initiatives Changing the World

Nat. Brut shares projects that are working to dismantle systems of oppression

Kayla E.
Nat. Brut


At Nat. Brut, we try to be mindful and inclusive in everything we do. We work hard to draw attention to voices that advance inclusivity, and we celebrate others who do the same. In hopes of taking this a step further, we launched a series in which we asked 30 women, gender non-conforming and trans folks to share inclusive projects that inspire them. Below is a list of 12 projects that are working toward dismantling systems of oppression. Spend some time with these incredible initiatives, and feel free to share others who inspire you! If you want more Nat. Brut, follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

Nat. Brut Presents

12 Initiatives Changing the World


Radical Indigenous Survivance & Empowerment is a Native-founded and operated artist/activist/warrior collective dedicated to the education and perseverance of Native art and culture.


Writers of Color Database

A searchable compendium of bylines and topics, The Writers of Color Database seeks to promote the visibility of writers of color while also accurately representing those writers’ work.

@writersofcolor / writersofcolor.org

I Believe You / It’s Not Your Fault

IBY / INYF provides a supportive arena for the circulation and discussion of stories shared by survivors of sexual violence. It’s the community we wish the whole world could be.

@NotesFromBigSib / ibelieveyouitsnotyourfault.tumblr.com

Third Woman Press

With over thirty-five years of history, Third Woman Press publishes the work of activist scholars and artists committed to an inclusive world for women of color.

@ThirdWomanPress / thirdwomanpress.com


Nepantla is an online poetry journal dedicated to Queer Poets of Color. Their mission is to nurture, celebrate, and preserve diversity within the queer poetry community.

@LambdaLiterary / lambdaliterary.com

Aquí Estamos

Aquí Estamos is a queer people of color conference in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas and seeks to empower the region’s diverse community against oppression.

@aquiestamosrgv / aquiestamosrgv.org

The Ulu Project

The ULU Project is an Alaska-based web series that focuses on food security and Native identity while confronting the myriad social pressures that Inuit people face.

@AlaskanFood / youtube.com/user/uluproject

Artists Against Police Violence

Artists Against Police Violence provides high-resolution paintings, drawings, and photographs for use in advocating against institutional violence against people of color.

@AAPV_ / artistsagainstpoliceviolence.com

The Body Is Not Apology

TBINAA is an international movement committed to cultivating global Radical Self Love and Body Empowerment in people of all ages, sizes, abilities, and identities.

@RadicalBodyLove / thebodyisnotanapology.com

The (Great) Indian Poetry Collective

Based in Bengaluru, India, the (G)IPC is a publishing house that strives to showcase poetic voices from South Asia that are innovative and diverse.

@Gr8IndianPoetry / greatindianpoetrycollective.org


Kalyani is a literary publication that features diverse writing styles from women of color, and fosters a community that helps these women gain confidence in their voices.

@KalyaniMagazine / kalyanimagazine.com


QofG is a grassroots organization dedicated to affirming and acknowledging the various genders and gender expressions within Black, Indigenous and People of Color communities.

@QueerofGender / queerofgender.com

Special thanks to our recommenders: Yvonne Marquez, Arisa White, Gloria Lucas, Kim Tran, Amy Collier, Koa Beck, and Danielle Scruggs.

Infographic designed by Kayla E.

Nat. Brut is a biannual journal of art and literature that aims to advance equality and inclusivity in all creative fields. To learn more about us, or to order a copy of our latest issue, visit our Indiegogo!

