Weekly Inspirations

2019 — Q2W24 — Learning

Life-long learning is a key wellspring of self-leadership.

1.Be curious — exchange your voice of judgment with an open mind.

Each one of us has been driven at times by an internal voice of judgment. We see a face, hear a word or a sentence, and we already think we know where it is headed or we just instinctively react as being hurt or threatened. Judging before listening prevents us from learning new insights and perspectives, and becoming aware of our own assumptions. It hampers our learning and our relationships.

Being curious is about taking the time to listen deeply and without judgment or expectations, reflect on what we hear, and suspend obsolete habits of thought in the name of learning and evolving.

2.Learn more than expected, required or recognized by don't focus on knowing only, but being and doing.

Many people associate learning with education. However, learning is a daily and life-long process that is not about reading a book or listening to a lecture- although that is important as well. It is about trying out, experiencing, prototyping and as a result going to a new state of being that empowers us to do things in a new way.

The quality and speed of our learning are directly related to how well we do in life. In that process equally important is learning new things but also forgetting the obsolete ones.

3. Stay away of mediocracy and strive for excellence and greatness, but remain humble.

To thrive and succeed we need to stay away of mediocracy and conformity no matter how comfortable it feels and strive for excellence by unleashing our own uniqueness and becoming our best.

Striving for excellence and staying humble sound like an oxymoron but in reality, they are different sides of the same coin. Striving for excellence is about continuous learning and development so that our true self can stand out and shine. Humbleness is the ultimate sign that we have done that and we have reached a state of wisdom that will support us in continuing to learn and make a difference every day.

Here are the rest of the wellsprings of self-leadership.

21 Wellsprings of Self-Leadership | Eudaimonia Solutions



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