21 Wellsprings of Self-Leadership

Evolve, prosper, thrive and achieve Eudaimonia.

Mastering self-leadership results in sheer happiness. It’s like all of a sudden you can fly and the sky is the limit.

Eudaimonia is the well-being and happiness people experience when they continuously develop, lead an authentic and purpose-driven life, realize their full potential and feel the gratitude and joy which results from making a positive difference in the life of others. This in itself is the sheer happiness one feels when they master self-leadership. It’s like all of a sudden you can fly and the sky is the limit.

Leadership ends up largely being about mastering Analytical, Emotional, Spiritual, Systems, Cultural, Collective and Intuitive Intelligences. These are elements which both overlap and complement each other.

Through education and professional development, we are usually focused on developing our analytical intelligence and only somewhat on the rest. Some sources refer also to these as being Left-Brain dominance and Right-Brain dominance. Unlike other knowledge we gather through our life, mastering Self-Leadership is less about acquiring complex…



Natalia Blagoeva | The Human Advantage
Natalia Blagoeva’s Blog | The Human Advantage

Harnessing the transformative power of Systemic Constellations to create the conditions for you to access your highest wisdom and unlock your Human Advantage.