Data Lab

Nathan Plotkin
1 min readOct 8, 2019

Google Trends

The chart above is a description of how the trends both increased and decreased for two video games that are both extremely similar, and have clearly both past their time of fame. Fortnite has been around for a long time, and has always reigned supreme over Apex Legends. However, after Apex came out, there was a brief period of time where Apex was actually more popular than Fortnite. That only last a couple of weeks — maybe a month at most, until Fortnite released a new update, and Apex fell to the backdrop, where it would remain for the rest of time. Some people still play it, however, it will never go back to its peak popularity that it first had, and it will never pass Fortnite, which it was created with the prime intention to do.

The data is the same, because they are the same percentage, however, the brain likes the bigger number because it subconsciously makes us believe that the bigger number is better.

In this data, it is made clear that Drew Brees is a much better quarterback. He’s thrown less interceptions, has more touchdowns, has been sacked less times, and just overall has a greater QBR.

Through this chart, we can see clearly by the shading performed on the chart where the recession hit, when there was a boom period, and what the Net Job Gains were through nearly three decades. The chart states how many jobs exactly were lost at a specific time.

