The Average Tailgate (Through Photos)

Nathan Plotkin
2 min readOct 29, 2019

I have always had a passion for storytelling. From that, I have found my passion for both making movies and sometimes taking photos. I decided to put my skills to the test, and in-turn help my fraternity brothers have a way to remember very special moments that happen over time. One example of these moments that I record, include the tailgates that we hold prior to the home football games in the parking lots outside of the stadium. Everybody always has a great time, and through my photos, you can see that. Below is a look at the average tailgate for the Epsilon Gamma Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at Central Michigan University.

The day starts by waking up super early and going to a house prior to heading to the lots. At the house, older active members have the opportunity to talk to alumni and start drinking.
After we leave the house, we will usually hop on a bus to take us to the lots. People on the bus could be anybody from active brothers, to girlfriends, to alumni, to parents — you’re bound to meet somebody new!
Dancing isn’t for everybody, some people enjoy just sitting around and talking, or smoking a cigarette. This is Jason, but we call him Unit… I’m sure you can see why: this man is an absolute unit.
Our tailgates allow for couples (one who has graduated, and one who still attends CMU) to meet back up again.
Since sororities aren’t allowed to throw parties of their own, we also give girls a place to come, party, and make new friends.
Beta runs the lots!

