Couples Questionnaire

Chrissy Johnson
nathan & chrissy
Published in
3 min readMar 18, 2016

We are so blessed to have so many wonderful family and friends who were so excited to hear of our news to adopt! The adoption road is such a long process, full of twists and turns, so it means the world to us to have such loving, supportive people around us during this time.

Since we posted last, nothing really has changed. We had been notified of one situation where the birth mom was going to place her baby at the end of the summer. Of course, this was all word of mouth and nothing was official: she never viewed our book or knew our names. But we had been praying for her, regardless. They always tell you not to get your hopes up, but that’s like the doctor telling you not to flinch before you get a shot… you always do. Our contact at the home notified us a couple of weeks ago that she decided not to place after all. We put on a smile, said “No worries!” and continued to pray.

We are now working with another agency who we initially contacted last week, and we received an e-mail from them two days later! The caseworker needed our address so she could send us the preliminary forms to fill out. Those forms arrived today (March 1st)! We eagerly read everything over: the first form is a couple’s questionnaire. We are going through a Christian organization, so the form asks about our church history and how we are involved in the local church today. Also, it asks about our history, and our child preference. I’m assuming that once we mail this packet off, we will be contacted by them for the next steps. We hope to send these forms off by the end of the week, along with ordering an additional family profile book to send to them as well!

(That was all written about two weeks ago: continued update below, written March 18th)

The agency received our questionnaire, finally! They called us and said they hadn’t received it yet, which made us nervous… but thank goodness, they received it a few days later. They immediately put in the mail our official application for adoption, and we received that yesterday. We have already begun filling it out and hope to send it off early next week: it is a longer form, but it is more factual information regarding our home, pets, where we have lived, our interests, info on our parents’ and siblings, and what kind of childhood we had. We are also including a photo of us, along with a photo of our home.

This application leads to the training process, which will take place over two days at the beginning of April. Before continuing further, the agency wants all adoptive couples to be aware of the ins and outs of the process, along with where they stand on adoption in regards to scripture and how we are all adopted into God’s family once we have accepted Christ. Good stuff, y’all!

Our prayer in all of this is that God will receive the glory. We know at the end of this long road we will, Lord-willing, have our son or daughter. Goosebumps. God already knows who they are, what they look like, and the exact moment they will enter our lives.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for joining us in our journey and for praying for God’s provision during this entire process. For His comfort. His peace. His guidance. His protection. For resources to be made present to us, and for the process to go smoothly.

Stay tuned for more updates as they occur!

