Well. Long time, no update.

Chrissy Johnson
nathan & chrissy
Published in
3 min readOct 4, 2016

I believe the last thing we shared with you all was about our paperwork submission back in May. Everything was DONE and SUBMITTED and we were waiting for our home study!

Our agency informed us that the case worker who would be working with us would be available in August to do our home study. He’s English and would be flying back to England at the end of August, so he had a strong desire to finish up all of his assignments before he went home.

So just like that, our summer turned into waiting for August! We worked on our baby’s future bedroom (not a requirement for the home study, but something we wanted to get marked off our list nonetheless). We traveled with our youth group, to see family, with our friends to the river, and had a successful VBS. And then, August comes. And with that, a disappointing email…

Our case worker didn’t anticipate his work load and wouldn’t be able to get to us before he went home after all. Our agency offered other suggestions, such as using another agency (read: BIG price tags just to do our study) or their partner office in Houston (that case worker was 8 months pregnant and wouldn’t be able to get to it in time).

And like we shared in our initial blog post detailing our journey, isn’t it funny when we think we are in charge?

So here we are. October. Still waiting for our home study to be completed. Luckily, our agency partnered us with a case worker who primarily works with foster families: she’s in and out of court often, but if we weren’t in a hurry, she would be happy to complete it. And she was available and willing. Win-win.

After multiple rescheduled visits, we are finally meeting with her in Dallas this weekend. Friday evening, Nathan and I will travel to her home and have dinner with her, while completing our individual and couple interviews. Tori, our case worker, will still need to travel to our home to assess it, but this meeting will bring us one step closer to our baby.

It may not be ideal. It may not be convenient. It may not be pleasant or desired or FAIR. However, as its been the standing theme of our journey for 7+ years of marriage, 4+ years of trying to conceive, and 1+ years of the adoption process, we know God is in control. And regardless of how we feel about our circumstances, knowing that ONE fact makes everything easier.

He knows our hurts. Our frustrations. Our longings and desires. And He loves us anyways. And He has an amazing story to tell through our journey and through the life of our future son or daughter.

Until then…

“He makes everything beautiful in its time…” -Ecclesiastes 3:11

