How to Diversify Your Assets With Latin American Real Estate Podcast

Max Coursey, the founder of Tiger Prop, an innovative real estate brokerage based in Boise, Idaho, invited me to be on his Real Estate Insiders Radio podcast. We covered a huge amount of ground about Andes Property and PropertySimple including:

  • Tips for investing in Latin America
  • Common misconceptions about Latin America
  • Cap rates and net return deep dive in Chile and Colombia
  • Tips for investing safely and profitably
  • Comparison to returns in the US
  • PropertySimple’s new AI tool for real estate agents
  • How the internet’s changed for real estate leads in the past few years

Thanks again for inviting me Max, I had a great time! If you have any follow up questions about investing in Latin American real estate or PropertySimple’s real estate tool, feel free to reach out!

Listen to “Nate Lustig — Learn How To Diversify Your Assets — Invest In Latin America!” on Spreaker.



Nathan Lustig
Nathan Lustig: Staying Out Of The Cubicle

Managing Partner LatAm/USA/China. 2x entrepreneur, sports fanatic, travel addict, writing about it at