Tinderry Nature Reserve

10 May 2015

Using a GPX obtained from John Evans, I attempted to get to Tinderry Twin Peak in Tinderry Nature Reserve in 2015.

Me heading up the fire trail
Large granite slab
The fire trail near where I had to start bush-bashing up to the summit

Unfortunately, I had to abandon reaching the summit because there was too much windfall.

Lots of debris across the path indicated by the GPX track
Tinderry Twin Peaks
GPS trace in Google Earth oriented north-east with Tinderry Twin Peaks on the right
Damp and foggy

A small dog followed me for kilometres up the trail but I couldn’t get close enough to read its name tag or phone number to make sure it got back home safely.

Jack Russell Terrier
Jumbled granite rocks
Walking the last few kilometres back to the car by torchlight



Nathanael Coyne
Nathanael’s Outdoors Journal

User experience designer and agile coach. Father, husband, photographer, bushwalker, woodworker, musician.