Adoption is a Blessing

Markwayne Mullin
National Adoption Month
3 min readNov 17, 2015
The Mullin Family (Summer 2015)

My wife, Christie, and I never planned on becoming adoptive parents. We were a happy family with three kids. I had just been elected to Congress, and I was already worried about how my travel would impact Jim, Andrew, and Larra.

But in 2012, the Lord had something in store for us — something that came in the form of two blonde little girls, Ivy and Lynette.

A few members of our family gathered to celebrate Ivy and Lynette’s second birthday in November of 2012. The girls were living with Christie’s aging great aunts, who provided a wonderful home but were worried about being able to meet the needs of growing twins.

As I watched Christie and our kids interact with Ivy and Lynette that day, I could see a little twinkle in Christie’s eyes, and I had a feeling our life was about to change in a big way.

When Christie first brought up the idea of adopting the girls, I went through my list of excuses. I said that we could provide support financially, but our life was already in chaos with my election to Congress. She was very patient, even though I was being selfish. Then, she asked me to pray about it.

I couldn’t pray to make her heart as selfish as mine. I could only pray to make mine bigger. I asked the Lord to open the door and to make sure we had the support of our kids and our extended family.

When Christie and I sat down with Jim, Andrew, and Larra to talk about Ivy and Lynette joining our family, it was clear the Lord had answered my prayer. They were adamant that the girls needed a mommy and a daddy, and that they were meant to be a part of our family.

There was no looking back. For a few months after the girls joined our family, all five kids insisted on sharing a room. We’d wake up in the morning and find Ivy and Lynette sharing a bed with one of the big kids, even though we had tucked all of them in separately.

We are now a family of seven, and it is hard to remember the time before our family grew. The Lord put us in the right place at the right time to help two sweet, beautiful twin girls find the permanent, loving home they deserved.

Ivy, Larra, and Lynette Mullin (Summer 2015)

November is dedicated to adoption awareness, but we need to talk every day about the kids of all ages who need a permanent home. If you are being called to adopt, don’t be scared. Pray for an open heart and help create a brighter future for our nation.



Markwayne Mullin
National Adoption Month

Father of five. Small business owner. Honored to represent Oklahoma’s conservative values in Congress.