Hope for the Holidays

Chairman Ed Royce
National Adoption Month
2 min readNov 18, 2015

The Congolese government needs to immediately let Americans bring their legally adopted children home without any further delay

Today I met with the new Ambassador from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

As Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, hardly a day goes by when we don’t have a foreign dignitary stopping into the office.

But this meeting was especially important.

Hundreds of families here in the United States have been waiting years for the Congolese government to allow legally adopted children to be united with their parents.

One of those families are the Aguilera’s in my home state of California.

In 2012, Christy and Michael were accepted into the DRC adoption program. Two months later, they received a referral for a newborn son, Noel Nkingu. They legally adopted Noel under Congolese law. They obtained visas and passports.

This Christmas Eve, Noel will turn three. And sadly, the Aguilera’s are still waiting for the final paperwork to bring him home.

“Missing birthdays and holidays, it breaks our hearts,” says Christy.

We’ve got to find a way to break the DRC’s bureaucratic chokehold that is keeping these children from making the trip home to their families. Especially since many, like Noel, have serious medical issues. Tragically, some have already died while waiting in horrid conditions and going without the most basic care.

“These children have been legally adopted and it is time for them to be united with their loving families.”

So today’s meeting was all about the kids.

I explained to the Ambassador just how significant this issue is to me and the people I represent. I walked him through the long list of actions Congress has taken to try and encourage the Congolese government to allow these children to leave. And I stressed how critical this is to the DRC’s relationship with the United States and its reputation in the international community.

There is no reason these children should have to spend another holiday season separated from their families, and the care they desperately need.

