Michelle Rempel, Member of Parliament for Calgary Nose Hill. (Patrick Doyle / Canadian Press)

“I couldn’t believe he said that to you!”

Last week I found myself, once again, telling one of the young women on my staff that, “It’s important to address sexism in the moment it happens.”

Earlier, she witnessed another member of Parliament suggesting to me that we should talk about an issue we had been discussing, “when we were less emotional.” She also watched as I asked him why he had chose to use this particular phrasing. She then watched the conversation conclude with him giving me the very empowering and helpful suggestion of “(Be) nicer in the future.”

Weeks prior, we had almost the same conversation when another member of Parliament had responded to a request I had made with, “It turns me on when you’re direct.”

The everyday sexism I face involves confronting the “bitch” epithet when I don’t automatically comply with someone’s request or capitulate on my position on an issue

This, followed her having to watch a senior cabinet minister respond to a question I posed to him in the House of Commons telling me I should, “look a bit more cheerful.”

Much has been written about sexism that’s so systemic that it’s referred to as “everyday.” In response, every day, women are given generic advice and strategies on how to “lean in” and overcome it. I found myself doing the same thing with that young woman on my staff.

Here’s the rub; each woman is different, and faces different obstacles in her life. So why is there so much focus on giving women sexism survival strategies, which in turn makes us bear much of the responsibility for combatting it?

The everyday sexism I face involves confronting the “bitch” epithet when I don’t automatically comply with someone’s request or capitulate on my position on an issue, confronting assumptions that I have gotten to my station in life by (insert your choice of sexual act) with (insert your choice of man in position of authority), enduring speculation and value judgements about my fertility, and responding to commentary that links my appearance to my competency. It involves my ass being occasionally grabbed as a way to shock me into submission. It involves tokenism. It involves sometimes being written off as not serious when I’ve clearly proven I am.

I’m fortunate, though. I haven’t had to overcome obstacles that many other women face. I have a romantic partner who isn’t emasculated by my success, and enthusiastically encourages me to pursue my aspirations. I’ve worked for and with employers who have done the same. I’m in a position of authority. I haven’t had to raise children as a single woman. I haven’t had to raise children, period. I’m cisgender, straight, and white. My body mass index doesn’t exceed 25. I’m not an immigrant. I’ve never been in an abusive relationship. I’m fortunate enough to have had a steady job throughout most of my working life. I could go on, and on, and on.

So, who am I to tell other women how they should combat everyday sexism? In fact, who are any of us to do the same?

The everyday sexism that I experience is grating. It angers me, and it makes me roll my eyes. Sometimes, when it’s bad enough, it causes me to second guess myself. I address it. I speak out about it. That said, I’ve never lost a job because of it. I’ve never experienced violence because of it. I’ve never had to worry about feeding my family because of it.

So, who am I to tell other women how they should combat everyday sexism? In fact, who are any of us to do the same?

While I applaud the efforts many women have made to empower other women to address sexism in the moment it happens, we should upend the table. The responsibility for combatting everyday sexism doesn’t lie with those who live with it; it lies with you.

If you read my anecdotes and thought, “She probably was emotional,” or, “she’s too sensitive,” you need to change your thinking.

If you’ve ever held a woman back because you thought they were bossy, or aggressive, why is it her responsibility to tell you why that’s wrong?

If you’ve ever interviewed someone for a job and thought, “I’m pretty sure her uterus still functions, she might have a baby and take maternity leave, so I’m going pick the guy instead,” that’s your sexism to deal with, not hers.

If you’ve ever held a woman back because you thought they were bossy, or aggressive, why is it her responsibility to tell you why that’s wrong?

If you’ve ever sung along to violent misogynistic lyrics, bought a girl a Barbie when they wanted the Meccano set, attributed a woman’s success to her sexual skills, cat-called a woman, assumed a pregnant woman wants her belly to be touched by you, stayed silent during a disgusting sexist joke, assumed your female partner was going to clean your house and make dinner because of traditional gender segregation of housework, stayed quiet while a friend is abusing a woman, or if you’ve abused a woman yourself, you’re the problem, not her.

Bottom line, I shouldn’t have to mentor the young women on my staff with tips and tricks to combat sexism.

If it’s truly 2016, sexism should be your problem to deal with, not simply ours.

National Post
Michelle Rempel is member of Parliament for Calgary Nose Hill.

Originally published at nationalpost.com.

