The Art of Acceptance

NSS IIT Roorkee
NSS IIT Roorkee
Published in
5 min readOct 14, 2021

Below is an article by Rachit Shah; (pseudonym identity for writing articles to create awareness) who was diagnosed with Isaac Syndrome, Lymes, Membranous Glomerulonephritis Membranous Glomerulonephritis and Glaucoma in 2016 residing in Mumbai, India. Master’s in business management with over 13 years of Investment Banking experience (he had to quit because of his condition), fond of long distance running (for sure will get back soon) with leisure interests like playing table tennis (a drug free therapy) & volunteering projects (extending help to create a difference). With his articles, he try to raise awareness among all regarding Rare Diseases. His articles are a compilation of experiences, inspiring patients dealing with Rare Health Conditions.

Do read on his article on The Art of Acceptance!


I wish to begin with this quote which instantly caught my attention and became an inspiration “Faced with crisis, the man of character falls back on himself. He imposes his stamp of action, takes responsibility for it, and makes it his own.” — Charles de Gaulle, former president of France.

Though I start to feel the presence of ‘Wellbeing’ but wish to drill down history in 2016 and scream murder hoping to starve this lobby of predators being diagnosed with Isaac Syndrome (a diverse disorder as a result of muscular hyperactivity), Membranous Glomerulonephritis (a slowly progressive disease of the kidney), Lymes (a bacterial infection that can be spread to humans by infected ticks) and Glaucoma (an eye conditions that damage the optic nerve often caused by high pressure).

Even in 2021 as health emergencies trick our wellbeing and travel countries, singing cautionary tales with an incremental disaster, it is critical to understand than ever before how some genetic codes (the real hero’s), and their individualistic attributes take birth to overcome limitations & conquer triumph over adversity through THE CRISIS PRESCRIPTION.


(Losing your head in a crisis is a good way to become the crisis C.J.Redwine)

He was not born with a special talent and encountered failures from the early days in life but had the fire in his belly to turntables, someone who needs no introduction, Michael Jordan (‘’If you quit once it becomes a habit. Never quit!’’). In Michael’s words, ‘’I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life’’.

He managed setbacks with extraordinary skills proving his critics wrong not being vulnerable to wither instead had the sportsman metal demonstrating herculean efforts to stand out and be known as one of the greatest sportspeople. He moved millions, receiving a standing ovation for the lessons in the 1992 Olympics, Derek Redmond, the British athlete reached the finishing line with the help of his father in spite of a fall and a hamstring pull midway which disabled the movement of his leg. He managed his crisis with focus, perseverance, and honestly finished what he started.

He has a minor planet named after him, one of the greatest silent-film actors ever lived, Charlie Chaplin. Experiencing the hardships of working since toddler days to bringing home-the-bacon, to partly growing up with no parental support etc… This Legend’s work & crisis management skills spoke to the world and received a 12-minute standing ovation in the Oscar history. My room displays one of his quotes that I read daily, ‘’Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even your troubles’’.

He was a too new age for people in his era, who were too old age to establish new boundaries. Even today he is considered amongst the most respectful visionaries in the corporate fraternity, WALT DISNEY.

His character traits taught lessons helping him evolve from health hazards to business setbacks to surviving dented financial status etc… He made no bones about these episodes instead learned from his lapses, stemming an entertainment hub still considered the best in the world even after 65 yrs.

These life heroes lives are somewhere a reflection of my struggles elevating me emotionally, working as a physiological pill. The strong characters that these individuals display have always been important in self-motivating and my recovery graph.

Recently we experienced how Canada has evolved topping the world chart in managing their overall crisis in various genres, a ranking and analysis project by U.S. News & World Report; BAV Group; and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. The key reasons which set them apart from other countries were positivity, improvement in living & educational standards, a peace-driven state of affairs, and safety measures. The Scale & Perspective on Crisis Management may differ from a person to a business to a country but the basis will always remain the same.


The secret of crisis management is not good vs. bad; it’s preventing the bad from getting worse.” — Andy Gilman.

Apart from the basics of food, medicines, right practices etc…the non-measurable factors that played a very crucial role in my recovery are:-

  1. I always remember that rare health conditions need extra sacrifices, measures & implementation capabilities
  2. The trinity between the crisis, sufferer, and the treatment is in a dangerous Bermuda triangle until we get to the core in finding the reason for the chaos for amendment purposes
  3. Diverting our monkey mind and feel Gratitude (the healthiest form of human emotion) is a must
  4. The art of spirituality assures a lot: — knock-knock, don’t worry, he will open the door
  5. I referred to examples of what shining armours did differently to emerge from unexpected difficult situations
  6. Go get it attitude is a must
  7. Keep negativity way far from reach as there is enough emotional baggage we carry during any crisis

To sum it up — In my experience, it was more of mental stability than the physical support system.


( Tough times do leave legacies that do not disappear in a jiffy)

Let’s un-friend this thought that ‘Health Crisis’ is an expert which cannot be tricked by the tag of our direct conviction in resolution.

Initially, when I was diagnosed there were a plethora of negative thoughts but after 4 years of constant learning, I’m expected to re-open my mind, learn to self-pamper, recharge self-capabilities and be supportive of the pain easing mechanism. I would appeal to my fellow friends to drive the change as it is inevitable, just being a function of time.

I even wonder how our ancestors were intuitive enough to understand the importance of future crisis management and scripted life experiences in the form of ancient scriptures that would never go out of vogue. Though in Oct’20 scientists introduced ‘Zeptoseconds’ as the shortest unit of time but will time ever deny the optimistic chariot of learning’s offered by these scriptures which were capable of pulling generations out of any given crisis??

If we don’t take the onus now, how will we ever stand for others??



NSS IIT Roorkee
NSS IIT Roorkee

With the motto ‘NOT FOR ME BUT FOR THE NATION’, the organization aims to work towards upliftment of the society and build socially responsible engineers.