A Journey in Motion – Ljubljana/Bled

Joe Dyda
Published in
5 min readJul 10, 2017

Call me old fashioned, but a 4minute change over on trains is a ridiculous idea wherever you’re going/coming from.

But when you’ve got the added stress of going between countries, AND you’ve got a second changeover later that same day (this time a more generous time of 7minutes), well I’m thinking that’s borderline cruelty.

Yet despite for a good few hours of the onboard computer showjng we were six minutes behind schedule, we made to Ljubljana bang on time, meaning now we just had the simple task of getting to our new Airbnb place, and settle in for the night.

However, as we got there, and followed the instructions given to by our host, we discovered that our key that got us through to the building where our place was, didn’t work. Fab.

So, after annoyingly disturbing the neighbour (who seemed quite reluctant to let us in) we eventually made it inside, and had a new key delivered.

And relax.

Now to look forward to our day trip to Lake Bled in the morning…

Day 1 – …or at least that was the plan.

One thing I haven’t mentioned, because there was really no point in doing so, is that as we checked the weather everyday, we were told of an incoming storm that seemed to be following us around Europe.

In every city so far, wed managed to avoid it, so it was typical that it decided to hit on the one day we planned to go to a big lake, with little shelter.

Instead, we swapped out days around, meaning we’d go to Lake Bled the next day, leaving us with a lazy Sunday in Ljubljana.

And what a place.

I know I keep blabbering on about how amazing everywhere is, but Ljubljana is right up my street.

A typical Ljubljana street.

The walk into town took a good 20minutes, and we quickly noticed that the whole area is a bit of a ghost town on a Sunday.

It seemed at first glance that everywhere was shut, and that only a small group of Chinese tourists would be of any company that day.

As we got to the pedestrianised areas though, we were soon among the locals and other tourists, and it was all rather splendid.

We were still waiting for this storm to hit, so we decided to go up to the Ljubljana Castle via the funicular railway.

And as we were queuing, queue the storm.

It was breathtaking seeing this petite city, that felt almost abandoned, turn into a fit of stormy rage, as thunder and lighting burst in the sky, and rain danced as far as the eye could see.

As we got to the castle, we kind of suspected that it wouldn’t be the last time the gods showed their fury today.

We ventured through the castle, watched a short film about its history and the legends that surround it, before climbing its tower, and see Slovenia from a high.

On the way back down, and after a brief stop for some street food, we discovered just how small Ljubljana was.

I will not say we were bored, Ljubljana was already high up on my ‘must return to’ list, but we were at a bit of a loss, and thus followed the map to a rather large park.

That, that was when the storm came back for a second wave.

We were stranded under the trees for a good hour or so, watching, listening, completely in awe of the dramatic weather, still hoping it’d take a break so we could go back to the centre.

Watching the storm fall around us.

It didn’t.

Therefore, we braved it and leisurely strolled away, looking for a bar or restaurant to hide away in.

The storm didn’t let up, I believe it lasted well over four hours, the rain was torrential.

But, as we headed home after eating wild boar (beautiful mate!), I had fallen completely in love with Ljubljana. It is certainly unique.

Day 2 – I’m telling you now. Me and Jen are very lucky.

Since we were supposed to go to Lake Bled yesterday, a quick check of the weather was a must, to see just how wet we’d end up getting today.

But for some reason, the weather chose today, out of all seven in the week, to be filled with sun, sun and more sun!

And I’ll tell you this, Lake Bled is quite possibly, the most beautiful place I’ve ever been to. Period.

Lake Bled, the best lake in the world.

The long walk around the bluest lake I’ve ever seen, leaves you with stunning views every time you turn your head.

The church, perched on a small island, is probably the most iconic picture of Slovenia, never mind Bled, and it doesn’t disappoint.

All I wanted to do was get up close to it, but how…

Captain Joe Sparrow.

^^^ That’s how!

We rented out a boat for a reasonable price, and set sail.

The lake was so still, it made rowing our ship a lot easier. But as we got closer, we saw that there was nobody to help us dock and have a wander, and I don’t think we’d had a very successful time in doing it ourselves, although I’d have loved to see us try.

So instead, we just rowed around it, took in all the views and for the first time, despite mybwxciment to head to our next city, I really didn’t want to leave Slovenia even slightly.

It’s a bit of me.

It’s somewhere you don’t really expect much from, because who goes to Slovenia right?

But seriously, it’s stunning, I’m already planning in my head when I could return. It certainly was the surprise package!



Joe Dyda

22. Digital Media and Content Assistant, UCLan. Preston