An attack to Barcelona’s essence

Martin Lima
Published in
2 min readAug 21, 2017

A sad stain in the always so receptive and beautiful city.

Barcelona has always been a place of mixed cultures. I remember buying fruits from a “Chino”, groceries from an Indian, souvenirs from a Moroccan and beer from a “Paqui”. These immigrants live peacefully in a city crowded with tourists and locals.

Plaza España. The perfect hurricane of whizzing cars, hurried cyclists and fast-paced tourists and locals.

By choice, I’ve lived far from Barcelona’s central neighborhoods, near the university and away from the everyday chaos. Coincidentally, my neighbors were all immigrants and I happened to live for one year observing how it was to be a foreigner in Barcelona.

What I got from this experience is that living in such environment forces us to practice open mindedness. However, it takes time and patience to build a more open perception of immigrants and one moment to destruct it. The exercise of acceptance can be lost in just a blink of an eye — or a terror attack.

My concern is that people start feeling uncomfortable around foreigners or even acting with prejudice, ruining the peaceful ecosystem that makes Barcelona so unique.

Just a reminder of what happened last week and an example of the city’s cultural diversity:

Last night’s attack has made victims from FOURTY THREE different nationalities.

Let us sleep on this information.



Martin Lima

Photographer, Civil Engineer, Quantum Physics enthusiast and Venture Capitalist @indicatorcap. //