Food for health

Lesson 1 : have some fruits, but not for dessert

Véronique de Quillacq
2 min readJun 8, 2017


For thousands of years, food is our first medicine. But thanks to, or because of our medicine, we can compensate our alimentary clumsiness by absorbing drugs. That’s an efficient strategy in the short term, but a deadly one in the long term.

Women’s newspapers and magazines and some specialists give us permanent advice which are often universal and contradictory from one another. They focus entirely on the food’s quality: its vitamin composition or its calorie intake for instance, while despising everything about the way it’s going to be assimilated, by whom and at what time of the day.

However, those were natural questions for our ancestors. For them, it was obvious to determine which food would fit with which person, at which moment, and food often became a medicine or a prevention for diseases. I applied myself conscientiously some related principles, and the outcome for me and my family have been tremendous.

For example, the fact of eating acides (fruits for instance or fresh tomatoes) at the same time as starch creates a digestion differential between starch (which you digest in 2h) and acides (which take 1/2h to digest). That way, the starch digestion is going to retreat acid foodstuffs absorption by 1h30. That creates fermentations, putrefaction and the release of alcohols. That’s how you get bloating and gastroesophageal reflux that we use to furter treat with drugs to continue our daily activities.

To avoid these inconveniences, eat your fruits and fresh tomatoes either half an hour before your meal or two hours after. Or, have a meal of fruits only, the important thing being the division of the different foodstuff all along the week and not along one meal.

Re-learning how to eat is to me an absolute necessity, and I fear it would become the case for many among us. So let’s share the knowledge that lasts, to rebuild our achievements and stop feeding the pharmaceutical industry !

