Millions of bees died in Estonia

The local press is outraged and criticizes our alienation from nature

Nationall Staff
2 min readJul 27, 2017


In the previous weeks, several bee colonies have been decimated in Estonia. Beekeepers rapidly sounded the alarm and the Ministry of Rural Affairs conducted an investigation.

The conclusions show that pesticides aiming to protect rapeseed crops poisoned the colonies. Euro-topics (Link) reports how the local press expresses its indignation, the need for more supervision, and our alienation from nature:

“Mass production in agriculture will not disappear. That means: we need better supervision. There can be no cutting costs here. Those who act negligently in this respect must be made to feel the consequences, for example by denying them subsidies. … The beekeepers’ voice may soon become weaker. Nevertheless it should be heeded because their reports could serve as an important warning.” Postimees. (Link)

“The inability to respect life around us is the new reality — that’s the bitter truth.” Maaleht. (Link)

Previously and elsewhere in Europe, huge pharmaceutical companies like Bayer have been sanctioned for their responsibility on mass bee deaths as they produce the pesticides:

The sanctions both coming from Europe and the financial sectors allowed to raise awareness and stimulate actions among those companies:

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