The first seven news from Europe | 05.06–11.06

Votes, peace, freedom, and e-races.

Alexandre Gorius
5 min readJun 12, 2017


EU Defense system — 07 June 2017

To lower its dependence on the US, the EU Commission wants a European defense. The system presented in Brussels on June 7 foresees the establishment of a EU defense fund in which each EU country has to contribute. That means for all countries to increase their defense expanses. If we can read a “FINALLY” between the lines of some enthusiastics, others think that’s unrealistic. Link.

UK General Elections — 08 June 2017

“Every vote for me and my team on 8 June will strengthen my hand in those negotiations” T. May

Talking about Brexit, here’s why Theresa May asked for the General Elections to happen 3 years earlier than they should have. Those snap elections’ goal was also to “crush a weak and divided Labour party”.

On 8 June, the plan backfired. Instead of gaining seats, the Conservatives lost both 13 seats and the Government Majority (317 seats vs 326 seats needed). On the other hand, James Corbyn’s Labour Party obtained 30 more seats (262 in total). Link. Also, the Scottish Party lost 19 seats, making a planned second referendum on independence nothing short of a pipe dream. To keep a slim majority, T. May made an alliance with the Irish Democratic Unionist Party. Some, even within her own clan, call her to resign.

As BlackRock puts it, this event leads to a hung Parliament and bigger uncertainties around Brexit negociations. However, before the elections, Ian Birrel explained in the Guardian how a fragile government would actually be a help. Link.

If you’re lost with the UK politics, here’s a great and rapid way to get updated about how it has been until 2015 :

Berlin EPrix — 10-11 June 2017

This weekend, you missed your chance to attend to the present races from the future in one of the coolest place on Earth. 21,000 spectators came in Tempelhof, Berlin’s disused airport converted into a giant parc, to attend to the Formula E race : the only championship of the kind powered by electric engines. As the FIA puts it, “with tyre wear, battery temperature and energy use all on a knife-edge, this might [have been] Formula E’s most strategic race yet”. Renault & Mahindra teams lead, more insights here and highlights here. Actually close your eyes, hear the sound, it’s a Star Wars podrace happening.

Ukrainians freedom to travel in the EU — 11 June 2017

Since yesterday, Ukrainians don’t need a visa anymore to travel in the EU, just a passport. Ukraine’s neighbors welcome the news, but some worry about the repercussions it could have on their labour markets. Link.

French legislative elections — 11 June 2017

One month after E. Macron’s election at the French presidency, the French citizens were invited again yesterday to the polling stations. The stakes were high for two reasons :

  • The legislative elections determine the degree of freedom the new government will get to actually govern: since the past elections’ votes have been very spread in the first round, a dispersed electorate and a blocking National Assembly (the French Parliament) could have been expected.
  • E. Macron’s new Party, La République En Marche (LREM), invited people from the civil sphere to campaign and face professional candidates.

This election has seen the lowest participation rate at any “Legislatives’ ” first round since 1958. As to now, the center coalition of LREM and the Modem is far ahead with 32.3% of the votes, twice as many as the seconds from the right : Les Républicains. From left to right, the main politics figures are asking for more participation in the second round to avoid having no proper opposition to the majority. The Front National under-performed its results of the presidential elections, from 21.3% back then to 13.2% now.

Rolland Garros — 2017

He won again. 6–2 6–3 6–1, facing Stan Wawrinka. Some say he bulldozed him. They even gave a name to this victory: La Decima, ’cause he won 10 times in Rolland Garros. So, that makes 15 Grand Slam’s titles, Federer has 18, but none made it to ten in one place.

The Cyprus conflict — All along the week

After several centuries of Ottoman and then British colonization, Cyprus became independent in 1960. Despite they lived well side to side for centuries, the independence divided the Turkish and Greek communities. Indeed, the new constitution granted an over-representation to the Turkish minority in the parliament (18% of the population vs 30% of the Parliament’s seats). Rapidly, confrontations raised between both sides on the ground.

In 1974, a coup d’etat aiming to unify Cyprus with Greece prompted Turkey to invade and occupy the north of the country. In 1983, the Turkish Cypriot community unilaterally declared independence forming the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, recognized by Turkey only. Since then, the tension between both sides remained strong and the demarcation is still under the supervision of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus.

The presidents of both sides have agreed to resume the talks aimed at resolving the Cyprus conflict in Geneva in the second half of June. This week, the press of both sides expressed their doubts that a satisfactory solution would be found :

  • Turkish press, Havadis, believes the conflict will be resolved by the forces of major powers. Indeed, it thinks “the US — with the help of the EU — will solve the Cyprus problem by letting Turkey and Greece take control of certain areas in the Middle East and the Mediterranean region”. The Turkish community would comply with the will of the Turkish nation, while the president of the Republic of Cyprus wouldn’t risk to lose the UN military support that prevents the Cyprus’ citizens to face Turkish soldiers. Link.
  • That’s why on the other side, Phileleftheros says that solution puts “a gun to Nicosia’s head once more”. According to the Cypriot newspaper, both the success or the failures of the agreements would see the Turkish army remaining on the island. Link.



Alexandre Gorius

Founder of Nationall & TEDxDauphine. I'm writing to propose a different understanding of our selves and environment for anybody to feel better and optimistic.