What do you think about the basic income?

The northern European countries iterate to improve their already exemplary social system

Alexandre Gorius
1 min readJul 5, 2017


#Jens Johnson

Back in January, Finland launched an experiment to test the unconditional basic income for the unemployed. 2000 people will receive 560 euros every months for two years. They won’t lose the advantages they already had, and they’ll be allowed to earn money on top of it.

The main question is whether or not the basic income would improve employment rates. Commentators elsewhere in Europe criticize the methodology (Link) but let’s wait for the result.

On the July 4, the Netherlands also launched similar experiments. 5 cities will be able to ease regulations and increase the help for unemployed to see if more comfort would allow them to take more initiatives. However, the unconditional basic income is excluded from the experiment. Commentators are skeptical (Link), but that’s an experiment.

Iterate, that’s how startups move forward. Try radical and fail but note and learn. To make sure we all advance, we should see more of those experiments throughout Europe, or at least hear more bout them. Are there in you country? Tell us about them.



Alexandre Gorius

Founder of Nationall & TEDxDauphine. I'm writing to propose a different understanding of our selves and environment for anybody to feel better and optimistic.