For Lower East Side residents, A much needed change is expected on Primary Day

Bianca He
Nations of New York
2 min readSep 12, 2017

New Yorkers are voting today — on Tuesday, Sept. 12, voters head to the polls for the New York Democratic primary.

At 9:10 AM, Tanya Pramongkit went to the poll on 180 Mott Street in Chinatown to cast her vote for Christopher Marte, who is running against incumbent councilmember Margaret Chin for City Council in District 1.

Pramongkit is a Thai American who has been living in New York for 20 years. She wore a “Vote for Christopher Marte” T-shirt to the poll and spoke about her concern over Chin’s possible re-election.

Tanya Pramongkit in front the the poll on 180 Mott Street

“Chin has been in the City Council for eight years and she doesn’t seem to support our community. We need a new person.”

Pramongkit disagreed with many of the decisions Chin made. On Elizabeth Street where Pramongkit lives, the Elizabeth Street Garden, which Pramongkit described as a “good community area for the public to enjoy their time,” is to be destroyed and developed into senior housing under Chin’s approval.

Volunteers hand out flyers on the street. Above, a flyer advocating for Margaret Chin

Elizabeth Street Garden becomes the biggest motivation for Pramongkit to support Marte, a local Lower East Side resident who has been vocal in preserving the garden.

“I voted for Marte because I believe in him. I am confident that he can solve this.”

Inside the poll on 180 Mott Street



Bianca He
Nations of New York

Visual Journalist at McClatchy. Proud grad of Columbia Journalism School. Bylines @LinkedIn, @Upworthy.