Mona Sharma
Native Narratives
Published in
1 min readMay 6, 2019


Defining Brahman: Swami Sarvapriyananda Explains Taittiriya Upanishad Shloka 2:1

The one primal question that has preoccupied humankind since its very origin is — “What is God?”

Vedas, the ancient Hindu scriptures, ceaselessly contemplate the nature of God or Brahman, as It is referred to in Sanskrit, painstakingly arriving at clear, precise definitions that leave no room for ambiguity. That which is omnipresent. That which is timeless. That which is formless. That which is limitless. That which is the water in the wave. That, after knowing which, nothing else remains to be known.

Swami Sarvapriyananda elaborates upon the exact nature of Brahman as defined by the Taittiriya Upanishad — Shloka 2:1 in a meticulous, step by step manner, expanding our notions of Time, Space, Identity, Infinity, Duality, Existence, and ultimately Truth, till we come face to face with the realisation of Brahman. Not Realisation, but realisation, awareness, cognizance. What is fundamental to this cognizance however, is that we be present — we listen, we comprehend and if we are able to, we feel or experience That which is being defined, even if for an infinitesimal fragment of time. This momentary realisation could well be our first step towards Realisation.

Let the wisdom of the Seers guide you as you listen in, in true spirit of inquiry. Here is the link to the discourse:

