If the Jews of the world, ever have a Hall of Shame, then Henry Kissinger has a claim to be among its presiding deities.

Native Narratives
7 min readMar 29, 2021


President Nixon & Henry Kissinger : BBC

Henry Kissinger as Secretary of State in USA was personally responsible along with the then president Richard Nixon encouraging the Pakistani President Yahya Khan and General Tikka Khan of the Pakistani army, to plan and slaughter mercilessly unarmed men women and Children of Bangladesh.

Gen Yahya Khan & President Nixon
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

President Yahya Khan had come to Dacca in March 1971 to meet and discuss with Sheikh Mujibur Rehman, who was elected by the majority and should have been called to form a government in Pakistan. The subject was the convening the National Assembly of Pakistan in March 1971. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto of PPP a West Pakistan political party, accompanied Yahya Khan and ensured the failure of the talks.

Reaching West Pakistan in the morning of 25th March, Yahya Khan imposed martial law in East Pakistan and ordered a military operation against the Awami League, especially its youth wing. The military crackdown began in full swing on the midnight of 25–26 March.

Pakistani Massacre of Bengalis Begins

It was the night of 25 March 1971, under the orders of the then Lt General Tikka Khan, murderous attacks were carried out by Pakistani Army on Bangladeshis. At nightfall, Pakistani army men drove out of their barracks in the Dacca Cantonment .

Gen Tikka Khan ‘Butcher of Bengalis’

Initially the Pakistan army attacked Rajarbagh Police Lines from all directions. The police fired back with their 303 rifles but could not withstand the heavy fire from the Light machine guns and armoured vehicles. Soon the corrugated police barracks were set ablaze, and the surviving policemen slipped into the CID and DIG building, took up position on the rooftops.

Pakistani troops in their armoured vehicles fanned out into the city in a pre-planned manner and the mindless slaughter continued through the night. In the mindless mayhem that followed, hundreds of men women and children were slaughtered mercilessly.[1].

Students, professors and teachers, doctors and professionals were pulled out in the Dacca university, neighbouring residential colonies and shot.

Hindus were specifically targeted by the Pakistani army. Men and children were shot, women raped, and houses set on fire, indiscriminately. Dacca Fire Brigade could not cope up with the number of fires, and till today there is no count on the civilians roasted alive by the Pakistani army.

[1] Operation Searchlight was the codename for a planned military operation carried out by the Pakistan Army in an effort to curb the Bengali nationalist movement in erstwhile East Pakistan in March 1971. Wiki

26 March 1971

As the morning broke on 26 March people in Dacca, and around the country had no idea that unprecedented atrocities and mass killings were carried out in Dhaka city and elsewhere in Bangladesh.

As time progressed “the news of battle against the army spread quickly; also, the news of mass killings in Old Dhaka, predominantly in Hindu areas, and the attack on Dhaka University Iqbal Hall and Jagannath Hall spread in the city like wildfire.”[1]

Over the next nine months Pakistani army rampaged the entire country, indulging in mass slaughter and setting entire villages on fire. The countryside was devastated. [2]

Fleeing Bengali Refugees

Refugees commenced fleeing.

Universities were special targets, as students and professors were ‘traitors’ to Pakistan, and there were blanket orders to shoot them.[3]

[1] https://www.thedailystar.net/lifestyle/perspective/news/the-dark-night-memories-25-march-1971-2065057

[2] During the nine-month-long Bangladesh War for Liberation, members of the Pakistani military and supporting Islamist militias from Jamaat-e-Islami[7] killed between 200,000 and 3,000,000[1][4][8] people and raped between 200,000 and 400,000 Bengali women,[8][9] according to Bangladeshi and Indian sources,[10] in a systematic campaign of genocidal rape.[11][12]The actions against women were supported by Jamaat-e-Islami religious leaders, who declared that Bengali women were gonimoter maal(Bengali for “public property”).[13] WIKI

[3] Bengali intelligentsia, academics and Hindus were significantly targeted alongside Muslim Bengali nationalists, with widespread indiscriminate and extrajudicial killings taking place.

Henry Kissinger

One would assume that an individual that too a European Jew, born in Germany in 1923 who saw the rise of the Nazis and their treatment of Jews, would have a semblance of humanity and sympathy towards fellow human beings in a similar plight.

If ever there was a human being who should have known better, but callously abused his position, status, and power deliberately, allowed harm to descend on millions of unarmed men women and children then, it was Henry Kissinger, of USA.

Kissinger as secretary of state and Nixon as President of USA were fully aware of the gruesome atrocities committed by Pakistani army against Bengalis, especially Hindus and the sad plight of over 10 million Bengali refugees who had flooded into India. [1]

Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had personally visited USA and requested for help in handling the situation. But was only sneered at.

Kissinger was Racist and lacked Humanity

Henry Kissinger had no problems in dealing with mass murderers and violators of human rights.

He had a cosy relationship with Mao Tse Tung and Chou in Lai of Communist China, who had presided over the deaths of over three million Chinese. [2]

He had no qualms in supporting the likes of Yahya Khan and Tikka khan, the ‘Butcher of Bengalis’.

Kissinger’s views alarmed even Nixon, a seasoned politician, at times. After one colourful discussion “Nixon brought Kissinger back to his senses — and then fretted in private that his national security adviser might need psychiatric care”.

Acute Indophobia

“He seemed to harbour, writes Bass, a “starkly personal and emotional dislike of India and Indians”.

In a meeting with President Richard Nixon during the thick of Pakistan’s military crackdown, Kissinger called Indians “sons of bitches”. Another transcript of their conversation reflected Nixon expressing the wish that India suffered from a “mass famine”, while Kissinger stuck with calling Indians “bastards”.

Another recorded conversation has Kissinger characterise Indians as “the most aggressive goddamn people around” while also calling the Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi a “bitch”.[3]

[1] Kissinger sneered at people who “bleed” for “the dying Bengalis” and ignored the first telegram from the United States consul general in East Pakistan, Archer K. Blood, and 20 members of his staff, which informed the US that their allies West Pakistan were undertaking, in Blood’s words, “a selective genocide” targeting the Bengali intelligentsia, supporters of independence for East Pakistan, and the Hindu minority.[82] In the second, more famous, Blood Telegram the word genocide was again used to describe the events, and further that with its continuing support for West Pakistan the US government had “evidenced […] moral bankruptcy”.[83]

[2] From 1958–62, Mao’s “Great Leap Forward,” a mass campaign to communize agriculture and speed industrial growth, left China’s economy in ruins, and led to the deaths of some thirty million Chinese from starvation.

[3] https://scroll.in/article/941519/

(Ig)Nobel Peace Prize

It is a matter of shame that Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. It only shows the casual way the prize is awarded (Mahatma Gandhi was not considered fit to be awarded the Nobel prize for Peace)..

Kissinger’s Cosy Relationship with Dictators

The personal animosity that Kissinger and Nixon bore for India and Indians especially Mrs Gandhi, (for some perceived slight by the government of India) was taken full advantage of by Kissinger to ensure that India was impeded in every possible manner in handling the refugee situation.

Henry Kissinger fully backed Pakistani military dictator Yahya Khan in his attempts to crush Bengali nationalism.

Kissinger had no problems with Deng Xiaoping allowing Chinese Communist army to crush the student protesters in the Tiananmen Square in China and counselled against any sanctions.

When Pakistan attacked India on 03 Dec 1971, he kept pushing the Chinese to open another front in the Himalayas to ensure that Indian army was immobilized and incapacitated to help the Bengalis.

Considered an expert practitioner of ‘realpolitik’ moral scruples and humanitarian considerations were of no consequence to Henry Kissinger.

He was erudite and clever and had little trouble in rationalising his anti-human judgements in his later years. [1]

Henry Kissinger lived and prospered in a country claiming to be democratic and standing for liberty and freedom. It is indeed a matter of shame for the United States of America and all those who supported him in his mindless quest for ‘security’ of USA which was and still is the most powerful country in the world.

It is time the world is reminded once again of the gross misuse of power and violation of human rights, by hegemonic powers. Individuals like Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon should be awarded the ‘Shame on Humanity’ prize.

International Jewry should place the portrait of Henry Kissinger in their Hall of Shame.

[1] “Human rights are an essential goal of American policy. But so is national security. In some situations, no choice between them is required, making the moral issue relatively simple,” he said. https://www.livemint.com/Politics/p9rAoKsI06MfN1vKr9B0bP/Kissinger-reveals-why-US-didnt-criticize-Pakistan-in-1971.html



Native Narratives

Colonel, Indian Army, retd. Graduation in Mathematics and PG in Political Science, PG Diploma in Management