Native Narratives
Published in
9 min readMay 24, 2021





Terrorists are feted while Innocents are brutalised every day. Terrorist organisations play the victimhood card and are treated with kid gloves by a world afraid to face the truth.

This follows a pattern. Shias, Balochis, Hazaras, Christians , and Hindus are murdered in Afghanistan, Iraq , Yemen , Pakistan , Europe Africa and India by terrorist organisations have none to weep for them. Terrorist organisations play victimhood and are treated with kid gloves by a world afraid to face the truth.

Israeli Government seeking to protect its citizens from Rocket Attacks by Terrorist organisation HAMAS has been abandoned by the world community.

Third Intifada

HAMAS claims that it has initiated the Third Intifada.

Problems had started for the Israelis with the commencement of Ramadan on 13 of April. On 22 April “At least 125 people were injured , when Palestinian protesters, angered by chants of “death to Arabs” from far-right Jewish demonstrators, clashed repeatedly with police.” Violence continued unabated between Hamas and Israeli Defence Forces, for a month till 20th of May, when Egypt mediated a cease fire accord.

The ‘Ceasefire’ : 21 May 2021

There has been an announcement of ceasefire by Hamas and Israel after intensive standoff over 11 days. Hamas had initiated the fracas by firing rockets at Israeli villages and later its cities. It has fired over 2500 rockets in 10 days compelling Israel to return fire. So far 12 Israelis have been killed by Hamas actions. There is no doubt that number of injured can be thrice as many and many more will succumb.Hamas has been placing its rockets in residential areas and in return fire by Israelis nearly 200 Palestinians have suffered serious injuries leading to deaths.

23 May 2021

The ceasefire, which began before dawn on Friday, was still holding on Saturday evening, enabling officials to start assessing the scale of the damage.

Breakdown of the Oslo Accord

Oslo Accord between PLO and the State of Israel was expected to bring peace to the Middle East. Yasser Arafat of PLO & Simone Peris Prime Minister of Israel had signed an accord.

Courtesy, William J. Clinton Presidential Library; National Archives & Records Administration: Photo Vicent Musi From <>

Unfortunately for both Israelis and Palestinians, in the election of 2007, Palestinian Liberation Army (PLO) lost in the Gaza Strip and Hamas, a militant organisation won and formed the government.

HAMAS leader, Khaled Meshaal
Mahmoud Abbas PLO

HAMAS leader, Khaled Meshaal Mahmoud Abbas PLO

Hamas won a landslide victory in the elections in 2007. It replaced the PLO which had been the voice of Palestinians since decades. It does not see eye to eye with the PLO or in does not recognise international agreements arrived at by PLO.

“The Hamas Movement has expressed rejection of the formation of a new Palestinian government committed to the roadmap of the international quartet on the Middle East”.

Hamas has a military wing, (al-Mujahideen al Filastinun); which receives support from many Arab countries and extremist organisations around the world. Tension has continued to build up after Hamas took over the power in Gaza Strip.

“…. Hamas, has said it is committed to Israel’s ultimate destruction, took over Gaza in 2007, it and other militant groups have built an arsenal of thousands of rockets and a maze of tunnels to store them, many under populated parts of the territory’s roughly 140 square miles. “(LA Times)

The current faceoff between Hamas and Israel was the natural outcome of differences between a militant Hamas and the State of Israel.


The United Nations Security Council on Saturday called for “the full adherence” to the ceasefire and stressed the immediate need for humanitarian aid for Palestinian civilians.” Seeking to build on the truce, the EU’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, on Saturday urged Israel and the Palestinians to return to meaningful negotiations towards a two-state solution, which have been deadlocked for years.

“The EU cannot be expected to finance yet again the re-building of Gaza without a meaningful prospect of actually solving the underlying conflict,” Borrell wrote in a blog post.


“Ismail Haneyya, Hamas’s leader, said on Friday that the Palestinian people everywhere have proven to the whole world that the Al-Aqsa Mosque is for Muslims and Jerusalem is a red line.”

“The Hamas leader said that all Palestinian factions had dealt painful blows to the “Zionist enemy” that will have deep impact on its society, security, military institutions, and even on its future existence on the Palestinian land.”

Misleading and Incitement of Palestinians

It is a matter of intense shame as to how the people of Palestine and Gaza are brainwashed and incited by their mullahs and leaders.

In 2010, Hamas speaker Ahmad Bahr praised the virtues of martyrdom and Jihad, and said that 2.5 million black-eyed virgins were waiting in the Garden of Eden, which could be entered only by prophets, by the righteous, and by martyrs. He continued by saying that nobody on Earth “will be able to confront the resistance, or to confront the mujahideen, those who worship Allah and seek martyrdom”.[449]

Ahmad Bahr was only repeating what many Mullahs, Sheiks and ‘leaders’ in the Muslim World have been saying since the eighties.Persons like Shaykh Yusuf ibn Salih AI-Uyayri have managed to twist the meanings of Suras of Holy Quran to cover most heinous acts.

Today the world is a witness to the tragic ways in which the most unethical and false notions of Jihad and martyrdom had percolated the Muslim World.Not a day goes by when there is no crowd of women and children chanting and calling for deaths and beheadings of Jews, Europeans, Christians Hindus or. Buddhists.

When ‘fighters’ of HAMAS hide behind women and children and place them in harms’ way Muslim World shows no remorse whatsoever at the tragedy unfolding before their eyes.


Israel stands alone in a sea of hostile Arabs, bent on its annihilation.

Arab Population & Spread

Population of Israel is less than Nine million.

Israel’s foreign ministry said in response it was “very unfortunate” that the Security Council “ignored the launching of over 4,000 rockets at Israeli civilians from populated areas in Gaza”.

“If we come out of this operation with an extended period of peace and quiet, that’s good for Israel’s civilians and that’s good for Palestinians in Gaza too,” said Mark Regev, a senior adviser to Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.”

Israeli Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi said later Saturday he would meet soon with his Egyptian counterpart, Sameh Shoukry, after they spoke on Friday.“Emphasized to him that any future arrangement would have to include guarantees regarding security issues and policy principles,” Ashkenazi said on his Twitter page, adding that these included “stopping Hamas’ armament”.


History shows that there are nearly 50 Muslim countries in the world. In a conflict between a Muslim and a non Muslim country , Muslims tend to support other Muslim countries irrespective of the nature of conflict, and unjust nature of Muslim aggression.

(India saw how most Muslim countries extending from Libya to Indonesia ganged up against India in 1971, in support of aggressor Pakistan which was carrying out genocide against Bengalis,)

Israel, the only surviving democracy in the Middle East has been the subject of repeated aggression ever since its inception in 1948.

Many countries including Iran, Syria and Pakistan have threatened it multiple times with use of atomic weapons.

People of Israel, the Jews have been threatened with annihilation, by Arabs. It was only last week that members of Pakistani Parliament strongly urged Pakistani Government to use Atomic weapons against Israel.

There is palpable fear of Muslims and the violence of mobs, in every non Muslim country in the world today. This inhibits democracies in voicing their frank opinion in the case of Muslim terrorist activities.


Biden administration appears to have succumbed to pressures from pro Islamist forces in the Democratic Party. Biden has been applying screws on the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu repeatedly (spoke to him 6 times in 10 days) and demanded that Israel call off any punitive action against Hamas which has been harassing Israel citizens with deadly rocket fire.

USA seems to has equated aggressor, HAMAS, a terrorist organisation, determined to wipe out the State of Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East.

Jewish activists accused powerful Democrats in the New York congressional delegation of cowering to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other House members of the “Squad” by failing to forcefully stand up for Israel during its fight with Hamas in the Gaza strip.

What is more horrifying is the Cabal in Democrats who wish to deny Israel its right to protect itself from rocket attacls by terrorist organisations. “Sen. Bernie Sanders has introduced a resolution that would, if passed, block the pending sale of $735 million in arms to Israel amid its widening fight with Hamas.” “The resolution is a companion to the one introduced Wednesday in the House by Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Mark Pocan, D-Wis., and Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich. Among the supporters is Democratic Rep. Betty McCollum, who chairs the House Appropriations Committee’s defense subpanel.”

Hypocrisy of the Muslim World and the Western Liberals

Repeated displays on TV of joyful mobs assembling over the burial of terrorists, chanting death threats to Kafirs, Jews, Shias and Hindus appear to have numbed the majority of good Muslims all over the world.

The ethical boundaries of rightful conduct have become blurred in the last five decades.

Hypocrisy in the name of religion and liberalism is blatantly and unabashedly in display, as in the case of Afghanistan and Iraq.


None to weep for the Dead In Afghanistan. Death toll rises to 85 in Afghanistan girls’ school bomb attack

The death toll in a bomb attack that targeted schoolgirls in Kabul on Saturday has risen to 85, Afghan officials told CNN on Monday.

Another 147 people were wounded in the attack in front of the Sayed Al-Shuhada school, said Danish Hedayat, head of media for the second vice president of Afghanistan.

A car bomb was detonated in the neighborhood of Dasht-e-Barchi, and two more bombs exploded when students rushed out in panic.


40 die in Baghdad massacre as Shia militia go on rampage

Jonathan Steele :Guardian Weekly

Iraq protests: Death toll nears 100 as unrest enters fifth day

Published 5 October 2019

Pakistani ‘Liberals’

Pakistani Christians

“Pakistani actress Veena Malik’s justifies genocide of Jews as Israel-Palestine conflict escalates.” Veena Malik’s Twitter account has been withheld in India owing to a legal demand.

“In another instance, CNN dropped Adeel Raja, a Pakistan-based contributor, who had tweeted: “The world needs a Hitler.” Several other antisemitic tweets by Raja surfaced that hailed Hitler, and offered support to Germany in a World Cup final because “Hitler was a German and he did good with those Jews!” The Print

Indian Liberal : NO Indian self styled Liberal has spoken a word in sympathy of the beleaguered Jews of Israel. There has been no condemnation of HAMAS for firing thousands of rockets on Israeli civilians.




Native Narratives

Colonel, Indian Army, retd. Graduation in Mathematics and PG in Political Science, PG Diploma in Management