Native Narratives
Published in
6 min readNov 22, 2021



Xi Jinping the most powerful person in China today, can lead china to a truly glorious future. But will he? Can he?

China the Bully or China the Benevolent?

XI JINPING is the most charismatic and powerful leader in the world today. XI JINPING holds the posts of the President of Chinese Peoples Republic, General Secretary of Chinese Communist Party and is also the C- in-C of the armed forces of Communist China as the head of the Military Commission.

China tested the nuclear-capable hypersonic missile in August, according to a media report. (File photo) NDTV
XI Jinping not only possesses the capacity and capability as an individual to lead China on its quest of ‘rejuvenation’ but also commands a system with great positives and abilities to harness the enormous potential of an accelerating economy, and technical prowess.

Xi Jinping is the ‘President for Life’, in other words does not have to step down after two terms like his predecessors had to, and can continue holding the highest posts in China till he decides to retire.

China is THE growing power in the world and has no hesitation in stating its goal of being the most powerful nation in the world, overtaking USA eventually.

China has a 27 trillion $ economy, FDI of 140 billion and Reserves of 3.2 trillions.[i]

It has the largest blue water navy in the world, a large standing army a viable air force, atomic weapons with effective means of delivery.

Xi Jinping’s OBOR will connect it to the entire world by land and sea, seamlessly, and make it the manufacturing, trading and business hub of the world.

With a closed political system at his disposal, one that is unmatched in harnessing the potential of Chinese positives of ancient culture, ingenuity, intelligence, and hard-work, Xi Jinping is unmatched today.

Xi Jinping Aggressive Moves & Wrong Choices

Xi Jinping’s aggressive moves against neighbours , incorrect economic approach, and immature choice of friends, are hindrances that will need to be overcome.

Under Xi Jinping Communist China has turned unduly aggressive during the last decade, laying claims to vast territories of neighbours on land and sea, and attempting to dominate air corridors in its neighbourhood. It has resorted to unabashed bullying of the smaller nations in the South China Sea.*

China’s crude handling of Hong kong has left its standing in tatters. The Overtly aggressive moves on Taiwan is a sure recipe for disaster.

China has unnecessarily sparked tension on the Indo-Tibet order. This border though not finally settled could have been peacefully settled through negotiations over time.

China’s usurious approach to its OBOR projects, which were originally touted as areas of cooperation and goodwill have become millstones around the necks of countries. Chinese acquisition of port of Hambantota in Sri Lanka and its ruthless approach to CPEC projects in Pakistan, mining projects in Africa, have naturally raised fears in countries around the world.

Xi Jinping’s choice of friends needs to be seriously considered. His backing of Pakistan, and now the Taliban, both being of Jihadist mindset, is to say the least, highly immature and fraught with danger for the entire world. By mollycoddling Taliban China cannot escape the Jihadist hordes that are incubating in the AF-Pak region. Chinese borders in the South West in Xinyang and the Pamirs will soon be teeming with Jihadis from around the world.


USA is on the decline and TIME is on the side of China.

The most powerful country in the world, i.e., USA is on the decline. Series of blunders by USA during the last three decades, has led to its weakening geo politically.

Limitations to its ability to exercise its power over extended periods have come to light and even third rate powers like Pakistan has been able to fool and trap USA into misadventures as in Afghanistan.

The decline of USA can be directly attributed to its military misadventures, Viet Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan to name a few. It was the wannabe general like McNamara, Rumsfeld and Dick Cheyney , who misguided USA in to costly military disasters.

XI Jinping is no soldier but apparently has the desire to project himself as great one. “In 2010 he became Vice-Chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission and Vice-Chairman, Central Military Commission.”

He was the first Vice premier in the Chinese Military commission and is at present the Chairman. Is this the reason for aggressive posturing, and military aggressions on the South China Sea and in Tibet against India?

Greatness of a Nation

Greatness of a country stems from its ambiance of peace and prosperity, which brings people from around the world to it’s educational institutions, innovation centres and business centres. when students come flocking to its universities, philosophers and thinkers come in droves to discuss matters of science and humanities, then we know that the country is on the way to becoming truly great.

No military conqueror has ever made his country “great” through military campaigns alone. Military Conquerors have acquired territory, subjugated thousands in an earlier age, or millions in the last century, but they definitely did not make their countries great.

Hitler’s conquests of Europe did not translate into a great Germany , Stalin’s annexation of East European countries did not make USSR great. Mao Tse Tung’s occupation of Tibet did not make China great. Alexander’s conquests and Saladin conquests did not make for great countries.

Colonisation of over half the world did not make Britain or Spain great, but what did raise its status were its centres of academic excellence, it was the same with Sorbonne, as with Yale , Harvard, UCLA and Berkeley .

If students flock to US universities today , entrepreneurs rush to USA looking for business opportunities, it is because of the excellence, high standards of freedom for innovation, free and easy movement across its land, freedom to interact with individuals and groups with similar thoughts or even opposing views, and places to exchange views, thoughts, and opinions in an unhindered fashion, unrestrained but dogmas and ideologies.

An apartheid South Africa was militarily strong, but it never made for a great African nation. Sparta had a powerful army but does not represent the Greek philosophy or its civilisation.

The conquests of Genghis and his vast empire did not make the Mongols great. It required a Kublai Khan, the fifth khagan of the Mongol empire to elevate the Manchus, when he brought peace and prosperity to his empire in China.

China stands at crossroads, today. It posses great military power and economic potential. Its youthful energies can be directed towards aggressive and destructive materialistic actions or it’s resources and manpower can be truly focused on its quest for greatness.

XI Jinping Can Propel Positive Initiatives

Let China become a great Learning Center, as it once was, let it become a center for innovation, business, trade, and commerce.

WION USA Direct: China will never bully or invade others, says president Xi Jinping at UNGA | WION

Let China become an open house for ideas in philosophies unhindered unobstructed by crude ideologies and allow Chinese culture and civilisation of over four millennia to shine forth. That will make China really great.

Else China will become a strong military power, bully, and subjugate its neighbours but fade away like many other military powers have done over the centuries.

The next 100 years can make for a glorious China, over just being one more a strong and militarily powerful state.

Xi Jinping has the capacity and the backing of the people of China today to make China truly great.

It is in the interests on the entire humanity, that XI Jinping takes steps to make China a great country through positive means and actions.

Entire humanity will benefit from a peaceful and prosperous China, and that probably will make Jinping the most memorable figure in Chinese history, and a figure to emulate and follow for the rest of the world.


· Population:

o 1.4 billion,

· GDP (PPP):

o $27.3 trillion

o 6.1% growth

o 6.7% 5-year compound annual growth

o $16,785 per capita

  • Unemployment:

o 4.3%

· Inflation (CPI):

o 2.9%

· FDI Inflow:

o $141.2 billion

US Concerned Over China’s Hypersonic Missiles: Joe Biden



Native Narratives

Colonel, Indian Army, retd. Graduation in Mathematics and PG in Political Science, PG Diploma in Management