Film Communities

Empowering Viewer Participation

2 min readApr 23, 2018


Film Communities can help to disintermediate the film industry by bringing audiences into direct participation with filmmakers to create the films that they want to see.

Native provides a community funding model where members allocate Community development funds for films and collectively choose slates of films. This Community type is built on a circular economy model where profits from film sales can go back into the fund, raising the value of the Community token and providing funds for further film development. Funds from outside the development fund can also be allocated to specific movies depending on the project type and needs.

Community Examples

  • Independent Film Production Studio
  • Socially conscious documentaries to increase awareness of certain topics
  • Films brought in from foreign markets for Community viewing

Token Use

The token in a Film Fund Community can be used to vote on various projects occurring within the Community. It can represent a share of the the film fund and weight voting accordingly. The token can also be used to determine membership rights for film ownership if it is purely a Community production. As the fund produces profit, the value of that profit returns to the fund increasing the value of the token, rewarding tribal members who hold token.


What are some examples of projects that could be proposed within the Community to enhance the value of the community?

  • Small budget short films to raise awareness of the fund.
  • Full length feature films that return a profit.
  • Not for profit film to raise awareness about a Community’s core values


What can the community decide on together to ensure the best possible experience for everyone involved?

  • Determine which films are funded by the fund
  • Vote on expansion of the kinds of films to be funded by the fund
  • Decide how films will be distributed


What are the things that need to be accomplished for the community to thrive that can be taken on by members?

  • Members can be filmmakers who both vote on slates and pitch their films to the slates.
  • Members can contribute skills and time to the films that the fund develops.
  • Advertising for the film on social media


Film Communities on Native can provide alternative funding solutions to fund films by creating a community of fans and filmmakers. This direct relationship cuts out the middle men who take the majority of the profits in traditional film funding models. By disrupting the old model more films can find funding and the bar for profitability is dramatically lowered.

